Auxiliary volunteers the heart and soul of PECMH
Administrator | Sep 21, 2014 | Comments 1
Faded shades of pink and vibrant hues of red surround me every day. These colours are synonymous with my friends in the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, who just celebrated their 80th anniversary this week.
I have the privilege of working closely with these volunteers day in and day out and it doesn’t take long to learn who prefers which coloured apron and why. Or who serves Tetley over Red Rose tea while working the coffee cart and it wouldn’t be the first Wednesday of the month without a volunteer asking for a reminder on how to use the photocopier before their meeting.
At general meetings I like to sit between Marion Smith and Barb Claxton to indulge in spirited conversation debating clothing prices at the Second Time Around Shop. I am proud to say my grandma, Virginia Blakely, was instrumental in the opening of the Second Time Around Shop and was awarded her provincial life membership a couple of years ago. She still volunteers when she can at the blood donor clinics.
Each volunteer I have the esteemed pleasure of knowing is unique, vivacious and feisty (yes, I am talking about you Frances and Helen), but what unites them…apron choice aside…is their unwavering commitment to the betterment of our beloved hospital and the patients, families and staff they serve.
Volunteers on the coffee cart know I don’t drink coffee, but when they make their rounds, they offer one anyway. They make a difference and are always around to lend an ear (thanks, Ann, Bev and Cindy) or participate in my latest game or fundraiser (Geralyn). Our volunteers truly are the heart and soul of PECMH. Their warm and welcomed presence radiates throughout the entire building.
I hope my fellow colleagues will join me in congratulating the PECMH Auxiliary on their 80th anniversary. I commend and appreciate their commitment, enthusiasm and dedication. It is encouraging being surrounded by so many caring individuals who give up their time to influence and enhance health care locally. I wish our Auxiliary many more good years ahead.
Briar Boyce
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion • News from Everywhere Else
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Thank you Briar for those kind words. Thank you also for all the help that you have given the Auxiliary members over the years.