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Avoid area surrounding water main break in Picton

watermain-break1Construction is under way to repair a water main break in Picton, where Mary Street and Chapel streets merge near the Picton United Church.
watermain-break-2Traffic is reduced to one lane of traffic from Picton Main to Bowery Street, while the repairs take place. Sidewalks on one side of the road will be obstructed for the duration of the repair.
County communications officer Ashley Stewart notes heavy equipment may also limit visibility in the area.  Drivers and pedestrians are advised to avoid this area and reroute where possible to avoid delays and minimize congestion.
The County reports these repairs are not expected to impact water services or quality to residents in the area, however users may experience reduced pressure while repairs are conducted.
Work is expected to be completed at by 6 pm this evening.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Brian says:

    Mark #1 I never once said that it was just me (read my post) I stated many people viewed their thoughts and opinions on here about these issues and tried to reach individuals at Shire Hall! And I for one will not stoop to your level and entertain your silly (what seems to be hostility) as KJB mentioned above, “Why is Mark #1 so bitter”? Hmmmm!

  2. Mark #1 says:

    Right, it all happened because you posted on this site. Give your head a shake.

  3. Brian says:

    So some choose to say that we shouldn’t vent on this site as it does no good. Well my friends I was driving to town today and as I drove down main street I had noticed that EVERY parking meter has been shovelled out to the bare ground. Obviously someone (Mayor and or Council) on here took what was being said (on this site) about the banks on main street, individuals falling and about taking a picture of the meter in which no one can reach and not paying for parking fees. The municipality must of been worried about not being able to collect that parking quarter. I’ve never seen it so cleaneed out GOOD JOB!

  4. Brian says:

    Marnie, I SO agree, Paul Boyd are you listening????

  5. Brian says:

    Mark #1 This site is a very useful tool as well for getting the information out there due to the fact that some council members do read it. Mark you said that if you had a complaint do something about??? Well, if individuals call and send emails what alternative would you suggest to get someone from Shire Hall to answer back? You have heard on here from different people who have TRIED ENDLESSLY to get a response with little or no avail. So since you think this is just entertaining reading I would like to hear YOU’R suggestions?

    VW yes the town does have this equipment (if they haven’t sold it)?

    Dayton I don’t think a picture would work considering that an outside company did work directly across from Shire Hall. If the councillors were to walk out the door they would of tripped over them, or in the hole. lol They had a lot of equipment that clearly states who they are with their employees (while two County employees stood back and made sure their work was being done according to the County policies) So in reality taxpayers are paying twice for the same services.

  6. Marnie says:

    Paul Boyd are you listening?

  7. Mark says:

    Nominations for Council are now open!!

  8. VW says:

    While you are at it ask the powers to be why they are paying a sub contractor to sand and salt the road into and around town transfer station. Does the town not equipment to do that?

  9. Wolf Braun says:

    I got into an email exchange with his worship in 2013 but it was just too frustrating it was like living in an alternate reality world… sometimes aka as the twilight zone of unreality. 🙁

  10. Marnie says:

    Many of us have tried taking our concerns to the top and have received little or no satisfaction. We are not necessarily ‘keyboard activists’, we are just sharing our experiences and confirming in many cases that it is not us, it’s them. Why waste the taxpeyer’s money on information sheets enclosed with our tax bills that urge us to call with our questions? Calling is a waste of time unless someone answers the question.

  11. Mark #1 says:

    But ultimately, at the end of the day… if it makes you feel better about yourself or like you have accomplished something, then who am I to tell you any different?

  12. Mark #1 says:

    I am anything but bitter. I am entertained. This site provides a lot of great news and information but it also creates an avenue for the keyboard activists. If you have a gripe or complaint, do something about it. I highly doubt getting all riled up and posting it on the internet does anything to your advantage.

    Bitter Mark

  13. Dayton Johnson says:

    Maybe a photo in the paper of the “out of town”contractors doing the work would draw attention to your cause. If Shire Hall isn’t answering then pose the question to your councillor and tell them you have photos to prove it…Go all Mayor Ford on them!!

  14. KJB says:

    Why is Mark#1 so bitter

  15. Mark #1 says:

    Good for you.

  16. Brian says:

    Marnie and Mark #1, I did better than that I have provided the proof that the way Shire Hall is doing business is costing us “DOUBLE” to what it should be. It CAN’T be dismissed however they continue to shrug it off and just say were looking into it and yes Marnie (three months later). I guess the only way will ever get these answers is at an open forum when/if they choose to run again. I plan on being the first one at the microphone.

  17. Dave says:

    A customer service model should begin from the top of a company or organization. I left a voice message with a question, last month, for the County’s CAO and have not heard back . I have e mailed the CAO twice but with only one condescending response and no direct answer to my question.

  18. Marnie says:

    Brian has a point. Calls to Shire Hall sometimes go unanswered. I placed two such calls (not complaints but legitimate questions related to my work) left messages and am still waiting for a reply four months later. Oops, forgot that I did get a call back from someone filling in for one person with whom I wished to speak. She promised to look into the matter and call me back but never bothered. I would have taken your advice re the direct approach and called to ask why but I figured I was not likely to get a reply to that question either. As taxpayers we deserve better treatment. Don’t be so quick to beat the drums for Shire Hall.

  19. Mark #1 says:

    “Once again”? Where did you say in your original complaint that you contacted them?

    Its so reassuring we have people like you to care about everything. Might as well get a petition going!

  20. Brian says:

    Once again Mark, I did with no return call from the higher ups. Its everyones job to find out what our taxes are being spent on if you don’t care then don’t comment.

  21. Mark #1 says:

    Once again, instead of coming on the internet to complain about it, LIKE ITS YOUR JOB, phone Ashley up and ask her for yourself.

  22. Brian says:

    I would like to ask Ashley why we are still contracting these jobs out when we have employees that are able to do this work with less equipment and men/women? So once again we are bringing a contractor from out of town who brings his own employees, collects a county paycheck and then goes to their own municipality and spends the money yep that makes a hell of a lot of sense. Oh and yes the municipality has to pay for their own employees to stand by and watch that its being done properly (this is what you call paying twice for the same job) Get your head out of your A** P.E.C.!!!

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