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Adoptions highlight Family Day festivities at Loyalist Humane Society

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A Sheltered Life – stories as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. (Photographs by Alan R. Capon)

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)

This little girl celebrated Family Day with a visit to the Loyalist Humane Society with her parents and brother to choose a new cat. Always the ham, Zeke auditioned in his own special way. Mrs. Moffatt has told him repeatedly that he “comes on too strong”, but of course he pays no attention.The lucky cat who found his forever home on Family Day was Bubba.

Hello, Everyone,
It’s Liza reporting from The Laundry Room, command central at the Loyalist Humane Society. Our residents are still talking about Family Day, With more than 250 of us here, as you can imagine it was a big event. Crawford, our resident legal advisor and A Sheltered Life blogger, organized a program of events that included catnip mouse racing, Laser beam tag, hide and seek, and tobogganing. The happiest event of the day was an adoption. A delightful county family decided to celebrate Family Day by choosing a new family member. They visited our shelter and after seeing all of our residents, chose Bubba, who has always been one of Mrs. M.’s favourites. It was the perfect ending to our day of festivities.

We are now struggling through what many refer to as an old-fashioned Canadian winter, which brings me to Freda, the stray cat who froze her paws when left homeless in bitterly cold weather. Freda tried to crowd into an old dog house already occupied by another homeless person named Floyd. Floyd put up a fuss and when his benefactress, who had allowed him to shelter in the dog house, attempted to evict Freda she bit her and was consequently placed in quarantine with us. The story does not end there. It seems that our Mrs.M. was not at the top of her game on the day that she went to collect Freda and bring her back to our shelter. She mistakenly identified the cat who had broken into Floyd’s home as a she. Fortunately, her error was discovered before “Freda” could be spayed. The former Freda is now Freddy. He has now been neutered and his frozen paws have been examined. Mrs. M., says his prognosis is unknown at this time. What we do know for certain is that Freddy is now warm and well-fed and has found a place where he will be cared for and loved.

Now, on to the tale of Mittens and her exciting adventure. Like many of the cats at our shelter, she has a story to tell. This pretty little miss, who is a bit skittish, was sent to audition at Robyn’s Nest. When a staff member came to tidy her room, she panicked, screeched “home invasion”  and tried to copy one of Zeke’s famous take-offs. Unfortunately, she lacked his flying skills and somehow tumbled behind the drywall of her kitty condo. To rescue her, it was necessary to cut a hole in said drywall. Mittens was terribly embarrassed. Zeke predicted she would be the ideal cat for a contractor or do-it-yourselfer with the tools and know-how to rescue her the next time she decided to go flying.
Mittens was adopted soon after her return from Robyn’s Nest. We were all very happy for her and have our paws crossed that this winsome miss will keep her feet on the ground.

Another shelter favourite, Breezy, also found her forever home. She had been dropped in a  sub-division near Rossmore and was with us for several months before finding her new home. We are delighted that her sad story has a fairy tale ending.

Meet a few of our candidates applying for their own happy ending:

Rosie: The eyes have it. A senior cat who is in her teens, Rosie still has the “it” factor. Her beautiful, expressive eyes make her a stand-out. Gentle and loving she is a favourite with the volunteers.

Mickey D: Mickey D. was rescued from a farm barn owned by Keith MacDonald. He’s young,  handsome and loves sports – especially hockey and baseball. Rumour has it that he is also interested in politics and farming. With this impressive resume he is sure to find a forever home soon. Be sure to ask about him when you visit our shelter,

China: China came to our shelter as a tiny kitten. She was rescued from an excavation that had been dug for a basement. A beautiful cat with a story to tell she appears to have been somewhat traumatized by her terrifying experience. She needs a special owner willing to show her a great deal of affection to bring her out of her shell.

Bella: Bella is a very private puss, however, she did consent to pose for this fetching photograph. A shy cat with a gentle nature she would thrive as a “one and only”. She is hopeful of finding a forever home with a sensitive and caring owner with whom to enjoy quiet times.

Lily: Her name is Lily, but if she had been a boy (very rare with Calicos) she would have been called Jason Pollock or Monet. This striking Calico cat appears to have taken a direct hit from a series of paint cans tossed in her direction. She would be the purr-fect companion for a budding artist or for someone with difficulty in making decisions. There is no need to decide between a white cat, an orange puss, or a black cat when one can adopt all three in a single package. If you are an adventurous individual who marches to a different drummer, Lily could be the cat’s meow.

MacDaddy: This handsome blue tiger puss is young, single, and looking for love. He was found shivering in the cold and brought to our shelter. Mrs.M. is very fond of him and hopeful that he will soon find his forever home.

Running Bear: Sleek, slim, and sassy, Running Bear is hopeful that he will soon find someone to love. He admits that most people are superstitious about black cats and often are reluctant to adopt them. He’s looking for an open-minded owner willing to look past his ebony coat to see the wonderful cat inside. Running Bear confesses that there is one other small problem – his nose drips on occasion, an unwelcome souvenir of a virus he had long ago. He has his paws crossed for an open-minded owner with sinus problems. Together they could share a box of tissues and the purr-fect life.

Chips and Atticus: Life is not so scary when there are two for the road. Chips and Atticus are firm friends and often enjoy an afternoon nap together. However, Chips says he is getting a little bored with repeatedly hearing all about how Atticus got his name. It seems that when insulation was being installed in the attic at the shelter, a certain curious cat decided to lend a paw. When he went missing, no one noticed right away for with 250-plus boarders, occasionally, one can get lost in the crowd. Four days passed before sounds of distress were heard in the attic and a certain orange cat was rescued from his plight. Now, Atticus tells and retells his story and word has it that Chips is thinking of shutting him in a closet should the opportunity arise.

Zeke – All of us agree that his name should have been Lindbergh. Our own resident aviator, Zeke, has startled more than one visitor to our shelter by leaping from a high shelf onto their shoulder. It’s his way of saying hello. Zeke is a beloved member of our family and is considered a “lifer”. His forever home is with us. However, he loves to have his picture taken, so periodically we snap his photo and include it in our catalogue of those seeking permanent placements. When you visit our shelter, be sure to take a moment to greet Zeke and allow him to demonstrate his amazing aerocatics. Warning: He never files a flight plan. The shoulder he lands on could be yours.

Shrinking Violet – A sweet, gentle cat, Violet is too shy to audition with Zeke’s total lack of inhibition. She is hopeful that a “bookish type” will choose her as a new best friend. Her favourite recipe for a lasting relationship is “just add love and purr”. If you are seeking a mannerly miss who will be there for you in good times and bad, be sure to see our own Shrinking Violet.

James Bond – It’s Bond, James Bond, still trying to solve the mystery of why no one has adopted him. This sleek tiger and white cat would be a fine addition to any household. Clever, curious and very sexy he is a great favourite with the ladies at the LHS.

Inky – Handsome Inky is a special needs cat. He found his forever home several months ago but was returned to our shelter after being diagnosed with stomatitis, a chronic, progressive condition in which tiny sores form in the mouth and throat. He has begun to receive treatment and is doing well. This cat needs a special owner willing to do what is necessary to give him the best quality of life possible. He could be a gentle, loving companion for a long time to come, if given the proper care.

Main House Callie – This beautiful Calico miss longs to spend cold winter evenings curled up snugly in a welcoming lap. If you enjoy quiet evenings by the fire and would like someone to share them with, Callie would be eager to apply for the job.

Liza again, waiting for another load to come out of the dryer.

With so much bitterly cold weather this winter, most of us at the shelter are content to snooze in our baskets until spring. Things are quiet here and, for the first time in many months, no activities or upcoming events are listed on our calendar.

Word has it that Crawford and Zeke are planning to organize some sort of special social evening, but rumours do tend to fly around this place. Still, Crawford did ask me to save some space next week for an announcement that he is planning to make. He mentioned something about being our legal advisor, then bragged that he was about to “cross the bar”. I had to remind him that lawyers are called to the bar. I think he is confused. Actually, we have a few residents here who look as if they must have spent considerable time under the bar, Zeke being among them.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to return to my basket on top of the dryer and resume my nap.

-Until next week,

* * *

 Bachelors and bachelorettes hoping to win your heart this Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!

Liza is always on top of things. That’s why she makes such a fine assistant to shelter manager Mrs. Moffatt.

It’s Liza, here, reporting from The Laundry Room at the Loyalist Humane Society. I know it’s a little early, but love is in the air, here at our shelter. We have some very handsome bachelors in residence, as well as some delightful bachelorettes, all of them waiting for that special someone to come along. But more about that later. Right now, I have some happy news regarding recent adoptions. Mistletoe, Steak, and our resident bad girl, Squawky, all have found their forever homes. Steak auditioned for a weekend with a family who thought he was very handsome. However, they decided that he was too well-behaved! They asked Mrs. Moffatt for “quirky” and our Squawky is as quirky as they come. Off she went to audition and Mrs. M. soon received a call saying that she would not be coming back to our shelter, She was exactly what this family had hoped to find.

Of course, this news left poor Steak’s head in a spin. How could anyone prefer that saucy little prankster to him? His manners had been impeccable, throughout his audition, and he is gorgeous while Squawky is rather plain. Steak did not have long to ponder this injustice, for a family came along who pronounced him “just purrfect”. Now, he, too, has a home of his own.

Just as we were celebrating our recent adoptions, a very sad case came to our attention. A black cat named Freda is now in quarantine with us, her current situation just another chapter in what appears to have been a very sad life. Freda was a stray who sought shelter in a dog house during the recent cold snap. Unfortunately, said dog house was already occupied by another stray cat named Floyd, who was being fed by a kind-hearted family sympathetic to his plight. They had allowed him to take up residence in an old dog house on their porch.

Floyd, who is a long-haired tiger cat with dreadlocks, did not take kindly to having a woman invade his bachelor pad. His benefactress reached into the dog house to evict Freda and was bitten in the scuffle that ensued. Now, Freda is in quarantine. Her story does not end there. While homeless in severe winter weather, she froze her paw pads. She will undergo treatment for this painful condition this week. We are all hoping that the future will be much kinder to Freda. There is now a place for her here with us and she is warm and well fed.

We had a special visitor here, recently, and Mrs. M. is thrilled to bits that this time he remembered to put on his clothes. Our guest was none other than Mr. Nobody, the doll that elementary school students take from place to place on an assortment of adventures. Mr. N. then goes back to the classroom to report on where he has been and what he has seen. The last time he visited with us he was “starkers” but last week when he made a return call he was smartly attired in Osh Kosh overalls. Mrs. M. says he looks much better in clothes and we all agree. Mr. N. and his young friends generously brought us food, towels, and blankets for which we are very grateful.

Now, on to the many bachelors and bachelorettes who are hoping to win your heart this Valentine’s Day. Let me make the introductions and invite you to ring up Mrs. M. to arrange for a date with your favourite guy or gal.

Salsa – Salsa arrived at our shelter with pals Ketchup and Corn Relish. Mrs. M. confesses she must have been hungry on the day that she named these cats for condiments. Probably any other arrivals on this occasion would have been dubbed Big Mac and Angus Burger. Salsa is a beautiful bachelorette with a dash of spice, as her name suggests.

Sticky Icky – What’s in a name? Just ask Sticky Icky. He says he’s sure he would have found his forever home by now if he had been called Tyger or Mr. Tibbs. Instead, he is an “icky” and a sticky one to boot. Despite his unfortunate moniker he is a sweet cat with lots to offer. He would dearly love a family of his own and a new name for his new life.

Maru – Maru, named for a famous Japanese cat whose antics appear on YouTube, is a mature gentleman of great dignity. As you can see, he is a little portly, but like Arnold Schwarzenegger he vows that he will make a come-back. A bit of time in the gym and that tummy will tuck itself right back up. A lovable cat with lots of character, he is hoping to find a family of his own in time for Valentine’s Day.

Callie – A mature puss who is quite a beauty, Callie would be the purrfect fit in any household. Mrs. M. describes her as “extremely sweet” and gives her a five-star rating.

Orange Julius is paws down our Bachelor of the Month. He’s young, drop-dead gorgeous and eager to please. If he looks a bit puzzled in his photo it’s because he can’t understand why he has yet to find a forever home. Don’t spend another Valentine’s Day alone. If you are seeking a loving companion, look no further. Orange Julius is your cat.

Lily – Our Lily easily could have been the star of Fatal Attraction. She’s all sweetness and pie one minute and hell on wheels the next. If you scorn the predictable and long for a life of adventure, Lily is your girl. You’ll never know for sure what she’s thinking or what she’ll do. A beautiful miss with plenty of catitude she’s searching for an owner who will appreciate her quirky temperament.

Harness – This blue tabby cat has been hanging around our shelter for some time. He got his name because when he was rescued he was wearing a tight-fitting harness. A gentle cat who enjoys the good life, he would love to hang out with a new family of his very own.

Jaeger – Check out this handsome bachelor. Jaeger is eight months old and already a hunk. If you prefer to see everything in black and white he’s your purrfect choice.

Sir Prize – Sir Prize was furtively dumped at our shelter one day, suffering from a severe case of diarrhea. He has since recovered from this embarrassing problem but continues to have intestinal issues. Although his future is uncertain, we are featuring him because he is a sweet and loving cat who deserves to have his picture taken.

Geisha – This beautiful bachelorette is a heartbreaker who would add a decorative touch to any sofa. A mature cat with an air of mystery about her, she would be the ideal companion for a retired couple or a senior citizen. There is no need to be lonely, when this geisha girl is available to snuggle on cold winter nights. Come up and see her sometime.

Wesley – You met Wesley last week. He is the blabbermouth that had a great deal to say about my recent meltdown on the Live@5 show. I sincerely hope that he finds his forever home very soon. He is a frightful gossip.

Cauliflower – McDaddy’s wife, Cauliflower is a sweet tiger cat who survived the recent cold snap in the open. She and her spouse are earnestly seeking a caring home with new owners who will allow them to stay as a couple.

McDaddy – McDaddy and Cauliflower were rescued from Macaulay Village where both were found huddling in the cold. This pair are husband and wife and are fervently hoping that they will be adopted together.

Freda – Although Freda is difficult to spot in this photo because of her colour, her painfully sore paw pad can be readily seen. She is presently in quarantine and will receive treatment for her frost-bitten feet. In a few weeks she will be ready for adoption. We all hope that she finds a very special forever home.


From the Desk of Liza: I am sad to report that we have lost Jonnykins, the pert little red and white kitten featured in my blog a few weeks ago. He succumbed to FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). He was a favourite at our shelter and we will miss him.

On a happier note, we have some new rug rats. An unwed mom named Martini made her way to our shelter recently and was taken to our friend Dr. Steve at the animal hospital. She has since delivered five little “olives”. Cute as they are, these kittens are a sobering reminder of what happens to cats who tipple and stay out all night.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m off to help plan for the Valentine’s Day party that some of our residents will be holding on February 14. It’s just a small get-together in The Laundry Room for the staff of A Sheltered Life and a few of their friends. I understand that our legal advisor and roving reporter Crawford will be escorting Vicky Icky and her teddy bear, Snuggles, while Zeke is flying in with his main squeeze Mattie.

Until next week,

* * *
Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs and other Margaret Haylock Capon features

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

About the Author: Maggie Haylock is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter who has co-authored several books with her husband, Alan Capon.

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