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Bay of Quinte Youth Council ‘showers’ foodbanks with donations

Linda Downey was thrilled to receive a giant donation of toiletries and hygiene products from the Bay of Quinte Youth Council’s Spring Showers drive.

MP Neil Ellis’ Bay of Quinte Youth Council showered local foodbanks with donations of more than 3,200 toiletries and hygiene products.

Donations were collected for the ‘Spring Showers Toiletries Drive’ in April and May for those who use the services of the Wellington Storehouse Foodbank, along with Gleaners in Belleville and the Care and Share foodbank in Trenton.

Four local high schools participated in the challenge and Bay of Quinte Youth Council members, along with other students, urged peers to collect hundreds of donations.

Community members also made donations at drop off locations in the County, Belleville and Quinte West.

“With such commitment displayed by the students, their parents and surrounding community, Proctor and Gamble was also inspired to provide 200 individual hygiene kits to each of the three foodbanks,” said Ellis. The kids include such items as toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, soap and hygiene products. “Likewise, the Body Shop in the Quinte Mall participated in the initiative by providing items such as shower gels, body lotions and other skin care products.”

“Bravo, Bay of Quinte!,” he said. “This is one incredible initiative that the Bay of Quinte Youth Council put forward. Again, our community has rallied to support one another. We could not have done this without the help of everyone involved… It’s moments like this that should make us all very proud of the Bay of Quinte community – it’s a place where people come together to assist those most in need.”

Some members of the Bay of Quinte Youth Council with donations.

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