Bob Rae enjoys quick visit to the County
Administrator | Aug 10, 2012 | Comments 8
Bob Rae, interim leader of the Liberal Party, enjoyed a short visit to Prince Edward County this week.
“It wasn’t a long planned formal political tour,” said Peter Tinsley, the local association’s immediate past candidate. “Several days ago Bob suddenly found that he would have some limited time while travelling from Ottawa to Toronto, so a drop in visit was quickly arranged as part of his continuing efforts to stay connected with every riding.”
While here, Rae visited Picton, having travelled down Hwy 49 from Deseronto, and other points between there and Tinsley’s home in Ameliasburgh. There he spoke with Tinsley and Kim Rudd, the former Liberal Candidate from Northumberland Quinte West, for about an hour regarding local issues and concerns.
“I am constantly amazed at the time and effort Liberal MPs invest in maintaining riding contact, and Bob Rae is certainly a leader by example in this and every respect,” said Tinsley. “I can quote him as saying to me that the County is one of Ontario’s special places to which he had not been in a while and that he was very pleased to have had this opportunity to visit, no matter how brief.”
Rae left with a bottle of one of the County’s best wines and a Prince Edward Hastings Liberal Association T-shirt saying: “Don’t blame me, I voted Liberal”!
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
Sorry Doris, I feel no shame… in fact quite the opposite. The very nature of Democracy is political self-determination. That I should vote for a particular political ideology for my voice to be heard is not a requirement or necessity of this political freedom. The general conception of democracy as practiced in Canada does not constitute the defining principles of freedom from oppression (economic) or coercion (aristocratic legislation).
David do you mean you don’t vote shame on you–everyone should vote or we should not critize those in power
The last time I voted in an election it was for Bob Rae… that was back in the late 70’s when he was NDP. It was Stephen Lewis, a man I developed great respect for, who recommended that I consider Rae for my vote. I was extremely disappointed in Rae’s “reign”. Doris, please don’t inflict him on Bloomfield.
He’s hit the main street of Picton before. I shook his hand in the 90″s while he walked main street campaigning for Paul Johnson in the provincial election. The NDP won and so did Paul in this riding.
Anon, Main Street Picton is pretty much small town Ontario and while the world may not revolve around it, Mr. Rae might benefit from paying it a visit.
OK maybe Main street Bloomfield–I just meant where there is more than 2 people
Doris; As much as some people would like to believe it, the world doesn’t revolve around Main St in Picton.
When will the politicans stop talking to the politicans–better that Rae spent his time on Main Street in Picton