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Bumper-to-bumper to the beach and back – Sandbanks filled to capacity

sandbanks-trafficAll roads to Sandbanks Provincial Park were clogged with traffic Sunday afternoon as thousands of visitors tried to get to the beach. But Sandbanks was filled to capacity and had to close its gates mid afternoon.

The park’s Twitter feed began warning visitors to anticipate long line ups at about 10 a.m. Mid afternoon the park  recommended waiting until at least 4 p.m.

Police officers took to informing the public at Bloomfield ahead of the Cty Road 12 link to the beach and at the intersection of Cty roads 10 (link to Cty Rd 18 entrance) and Cty Rd 11 routes.

Facebook filled with warnings to avoid all the routes to the beach and a few reports of 45 minute trips from Picton to Cherry Valley – usually about 10 minutes. Some were gleefully reporting that routes through Hillier and Consecon to North Beach Provincial Park were clear sailing all day.

When the rain started falling after 7 p.m. tonight, the steady traffic heading out of the beach filled County Road 12 again, with bumper-to-bumper again through Bloomfield.

The holiday weekend beach traffic isn’t expected to repeat tomorrow as rain remains in the forecast.

bumber-to-bumper-going-homeCounty Road 12 at Bloomfield

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  1. Emily says:

    Not too long ago when Prince Edward was so staunchly Conservative the saying was that you could run a Tory yellow dog and they would win it was so much of a given. Also all the government jobs such as the liquor store and provincial park all went to the Tory faithful! If you were Liberal then it was well known ” do not apply”!

  2. Susan says:

    Ridings of the governing party have always received more. With the Mayor ranting and MPP Smith ranting you can expect even less. It’s the way all the political parties work in hope that you come around next time.

  3. ADJ says:

    Well I wish him luck on that one. A Provincial Park with a Liberal govt. in a Conservative riding. Paul…politics play into all of this.We are not the right color so we don’t get any favours.And sticking the Father of Confederation in the middle of town is like giving the Grits the finger! If it’s being done in other Counties I guess I haven’t heard about it. Could be we don’t “qualify” because of too small a population…those Fiberals will think of any excuse.

  4. Paul Cole says:

    Mayor Quaiff has already spoken about a surcharge for visitors to the Sandbanks. A Destination Tax would not be much different.. “We’ve asked for a $2 per vehicle surcharge to help with that. They’ve planned to expand the park by adding 75 RV sites and the park already has a net annual profit of $2 million, so I don’t think that’s a lot to ask.” Mayor Quaiff quote from this story

  5. Paul Cole says:

    I’m sure there are a few models that The County could follow in regards to implementing and collecting a Destination tax Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls have had success collecting such a tax…

  6. ADJ says:

    Correct me if i’m wrong but if any one works for a pay cheque one pays into CPP. So who are you referring to when you say those without a pension plan? Perhaps a self employed person has other ways to save for their retirement such as investments or rental properties or a possible inheritance. Why should the lowest paid minimum wage earner be forced to pay into an additional pension fund Ontario Pension Plan (OPP) that quite likely he will never get full benefit from. It’s a cash cow for the Prov. govt. to borrow or steal from if they can and not get caught.Let the individual make a choice.

  7. Susan says:

    I here you but I don’t get the fundraise aspect of the pension plan. My understanding is that the plan is only for those without a retirement pension plan, all others with are exempt. Is that not positive for employees? I understand business owners would not like it. The Ontario pension was ignited by the Feds (Harper) refusing to discuss with Premiers any change to the Canada Pension Plan. On another note I believe the employment insurance pot was overly rich until the Feds raided it.

  8. ADJ says:

    No,,I don’t trust any party but I was directing the blame where it belongs. Rebuilding and repairing our infrastructure in the County has been in decline because of less and less from the Province as you well know ie hospitals. Just don’t pass the mistakes of big government down onto the lowly wage earner by saddling him with another tax(Destination tax) Like I said this proposed Province imposed “Ontario pension Plan” is still another tax made to fundraise for in this case the Liberals.Maybe it should be optional not forced on us.

  9. Susan says:

    And your alternative choice is?? Surely not the Tories who started the decline with the deregulation of the public utility Ontario Hydro and of course the ever successful amalgamation of municipal governments and our hospitals. How’s that working for us?

  10. ADJ says:

    Tell me how you would apply this “Destination Tax”? Sorry I didn’t get it from the Google piece.Would it apply only to visitors or tourists and only during the peak summer season? How to tell who is a tourist and who is just bringing the rugrats to grandmas for the weekend.
    It appears to be so complicated I doubt Mayor and Council would ever consider it.Let’s go after the real culprit here the Prov. govt.They have failed time and time again in their term to support municipal requirements that were always taken care of before.Spending willi-nilly on made to fail schemes that we all have read about. Now that the cupboard is bare they have cut back on or eliminated support. Lay the blame where it belongs and don’t ask the struggling wage earner to cough up more. Do your best to defeat these bloodsuckers in the next election and we might some day see things change.I doubt it but hope is all there is. Ontario has become a have not Province and we thank thr fiberals for that. PEC will continue to pull the hind teat as long as TO keeps them in power. I’m not optimistic that things will improve so learn to support a underground economy. Make a buck where you can,,trade/swap for everything.

  11. Paul says:

    Nobody wants an additional tax ADJ but when you consider The County’s debt and the poor shape of The County’s aging infrastructure something needs to be done. Agreed a moratorium on The County funding local organizations and things like the gas tanks at the marina would also help in getting things in order. Money from a Destination tax could also help promote tourism in The County…

  12. ADJ says:

    Correction: Should have read Ontario Pension Plan..a hidden tax!

  13. ADJ says:

    Do you really want to see another tax imposed on the low to middle income earner when they are searching out a holiday? We already have the new Ontario sales tax coming down the pipe thanks to the Wynne Cronies. Do you not think the Liberals would not want a piece of this action?
    Want better roads and other infrastructure improvements? Count up the dollars handed out by the last two or three Councils to prop up in County organizations that should be self supporting. Wonderful and much loved but how long can these forgiveable grants be handed out? The County could be out in left field if any of these grant based businesses pull the plug. Tell me I’m wrong.
    Just saying,,there should have been a cutoff date and the remaining years of funding could have been directed towards inter-County road work or other upgrades for the local tax payer.

  14. Paul Cole says:

    Google Destination tax it does work and would help bolster The County coffer and help offset road maintenance costs and help in promoting the tourist industry in The County..

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