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Cats, dogs, arenas, vacant lots and mosquitos on agenda

The future of the old Wellington arena will be before council this afternoon. Prince Edward County council’s committee of the whole meeting agenda items today range from cats and dogs to vacant lots and mosquitos. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. in council chambers at Shire Hall.

Lyndsay Richmond, director of member services with the Picton BIA will approach council today requesting a temporary exemption from a bylaw to permit Jungle Cat World Park to participate in the 2012 Canada Day celebrations.
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Nancy Parks, Hospice Prince Edward executive director, will address council regarding the Hike for Hospice fundraising event.
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Ken Campbell, of Winstead Dogs Training and Boarding will address the commitee of the whole to question the Canine Control bylaw and its content.
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Councillors will also received a report of the Recreation, Parks and Culture commission regarding the old Wellington and District Community Centre.
Staff is to be directed to obtain an appraisal for the property and request that “an expression of interest” for the facility be publicly issued for the purpose of determining the future of the facilty and property.
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Council will also receive a report from councillor Brian Marisett regarding vacant lot maintenance standards.
The report will ask staff to report on opportunities and mechanisms available to ensure vacant lots in urban areas, created by building demolition and awaiting construction are maintained by the property owner.
Marisett notes comments from ratepayers and includes an email that complains about the Shopper’s Drug Mart future location, the vacant lot of the former Methodist church on Main Street and the vacant lot west of the Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet.
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Councillors will view a Recreation, Parks and Culture report comparing ice rental rates for local municipalities. They will be asked to raise prime time ice fees by five per cent and establish a policy that the non prime ice fees for all age categories by 75 per cent of the prime time fees established each year by council.
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The Hastings Prince Edward Health Unit will request the County give permission to carry out a larviciding program for the prevention and control of West Nile virus, if deemed necessary.

Click here for full agenda with reports 

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Doris Lane says:

    Caution must be taken before any spraying is undertaken for West Nile virus. Spraying may be more determential to ones health than the disease

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