Charitable community support ‘The Reasons’ for civic recognition
Administrator | Feb 15, 2024 | Comments 3

Rob Manlow and Peter Rea brightening the day for quarantined residents at H.J. McFarland Nursing Home soon after the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March 2020.
Prince Edward County music group Peter Rea and The Reasons were bestowed a Civic Recognition Award at the Feb. 13 County council meeting.
Nominated by councillor Roy Pennell, the group was recognized for many years of entertainment and support at charitable community events including a fundraiser for the hospital and numerous visits to seniors’ homes.
“The Reasons never fail to deliver and bring joy to those in our community, even through the COVID-19 pandemic when they played outside to keep spirits high in our long-term care homes,” said Mayor Steve Ferguson.
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About the Author:
Congratulations to a great group who go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to providing entertainment and happiness for PEC residents and more. We moved away from the County 4 yrs ago and there are three things we miss the most.
1. The Reasons
2. Andrew & Emily’s NoFrills
Some good friends.
Kudos to Peter and the Boys!!!
Good people, doing good things! So PEC! Thanks Reasons!
Well done Peter and the Reasons. A very worthy recognition of your talents and contributions to the PEC community.
Dennis Margueratt, President Kiwanis Club of Picton.