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Christmas Angel Campaign giving a hand up to families in need

UPDATE NOV 28: In just two weeks since opening for the season, the Prince Edward County Christmas Angel Campaign is well under way.

“We are at 202 angels and their families to assist with celebrating Christmas and we still have lots on the tree looking for supporters,” said Chief Angel Susan Rose.

The cutoff date is Dec. 18, with deliveries going out the 21st.

“This give the elves three days to get ready and sorted,” she added.

Supporters are welcome to visit the Angel Office at the Kinsmen Benson Park building Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 3p.m. Hours will be extended in December, but anybody who would like to pick an angel can also telephone 613-242-9206.

Shanna and her daughter Emily arrive with their gifts for the angels they selected.

Susan Rose has been Chief Angel for more than 30 years.

NOV. 14 – With snow forecast to blanket the County, thoughts of a bright holiday season have begun to swirl at the Christmas Angel Campaign headquarters.

Each year 250 to 300 Prince Edward County children and their families receive a hand up from the campaign as a generous community supports the work of bustling volunteer elves.

Chief Angel Susan Rose has been at the helm almost every year since the program began some 33 years ago. She says its success and longevity have been made possible by generous donations of food, clothing, toys and financial contributions from community businesses, organizations and individuals.

In the spirit of the season, supporters may choose an angel from the tree and purchase Christmas gifts; or present donations of new toys, new clothing or winter boots. The Angel program also assists some families who missed registration for the OPP’s Keep Kids Warm program by providing warm winter clothing.

Donations of food are also welcome as angel campaign elves enjoy packing hampers with children’s food favourites. Monetary donations are used to purchase gifts as necessary and also to assist with buying turkeys and all the trimmings.

The Angel Tree office opened this week at the Kin Centre (Benson Hall) on King Street in Picton, thanks to the donation of location again this year by the Picton Kinsmen Club. To start, hours for the Angel Tree office are 10-3pm Monday to Friday, and will expand into weekends as necessary.

Donations may be dropped off at the Angel Office or at Highland Shores Children’s Aid located at 16 MacSteven Drive, Picton before the delivery date of Dec. 20th.

The campaign is partnered with The Children’s Foundation. Donations of gifts of cash are appreciated in person, or online at the Foundation’s website.

If your family is in need of assistance, a registration form is available to print on the Children’s Foundation website, or pick one up at the HUB Child and Family Centre, 10 McFarland Court, Picton; the Ontario Works office or at the Angel office.

For more information, contact Angel Tree Co-ordinator Susan Rose at 613-242-9206 or Kate Anderson at The Children’s Foundation at 613-476-7957 ext. 6238

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