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Collision sends three to hospital

Three people were sent to hospital following a collision at the intersection of Highway 62 and Prince Edward County Road 1 on Canada Day Monday.

PC Constable Karen German, Community Safety Officer said Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers from the Prince Edward County Detachment were called shortly after 10 a.m.

“OPP officers attended to a two vehicle collision involving a car and an SUV with a boat being trailered. The car was travelling east on County Road 1 and was struck by the north bound SUV on Highway 62 causing the trailered boat to flip over, landing upside down.”

Prince Edward County Fire and EMS units also responded to assist.

Three people were transported to hospital, two with minor injuries while a third person has serious but non-life threatening injuries. The highway was closed for short period of time while officers investigated the incident.

A 70-year-old from man from Weston, Ontario has been issued a Provincial Offences Notice for Careless Driving – Section 130 of the Highway Traffic Act.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Dennis Fox says:

    What is happening out there? I just read that another accident happened at 62 and Cty. Rd. 1, yseterday – sounded like a car ran the stop sign and collided with a north bound vehicle. The municipality needs ot get after MTO to improve these intersections.

  2. Dennis Fox says:

    I was talking generally about ways of making our roads/intersections on 62 safer – not this specific accident.

  3. Anon says:

    Reflectors ?? Didn’t this accident occur in the daytime ?

  4. Dennis Fox says:

    There are a large number of intersections along 62 that need to be improved. These “High Collision Intersection” signs do nothing to make things safer. In response to the municipality’s claim of not being able to do anything because 62 is a provincial responsibility, I suggested they contact MTO and request cheap cedar posts with reflectors at these intersections – highlighting the intersection and making night driving easier. If we have a MPP, then why not put him to work on a fairly cheap solution for a safety issue?

  5. Paul Wallace says:

    This intersection is in dire need of a traffic cicle.

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