Comments on proposal to burn Alternative Low Carbon Fuel due by Feb. 6
Administrator | Jan 23, 2023 | Comments 0
To the Editor:
Lehigh Cement in Picton is seeking approval from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to use Alternative Low Carbon Fuels (ALCF).
The company is proposing to burn up to 200 tons of ALCFs a day including biomass, wood from construction and demolition and non-recyclable paper and plastics to supplement their current fuel mix of coal, natural gas and petroleum coke.
More information about Lehigh’s proposal can be found on Lehigh Cement’s ALCF website:
The MECP is accepting comments from the public until Feb. 6 on the Environmental Registry website at the following link:
This is the only opportunity Prince Edward County residents will have to let the government know what they think of Lehigh Cement’s proposal to use ALCFs at its plant.
Paula Peel
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion • News from Everywhere Else
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