Council denies request to defer sign change
Administrator | Aug 24, 2016 | Comments 56
Council on Tuesday night denied a request to further delay a decision on a downtown Picton sign that doesn’t meet bylaw guidelines.
Cindy Nicholls, owner of the Beach Bum store on Picton’s Main Street, requested a second deferral before completing changes to her sign until the outcome is known of a petition circulating to repeal the heritage conservation district bylaw.
“For the record I did not initiate this petition, but am very much in favour of it,” her deputation stated. “I am aware that my proposed changes to the Beach Bum sign are approved… I do feel that a decision regarding the timeline for the changes should be prolonged until our efforts are exhausted. ”
The issue was already deferred from an April meeting to allow time to discuss changes to the sign to bring it into conformity with the design guidelines mandated on all buildings that are within the Picton Heritage Conservation District.
A change of location placed the store in the heritage district and permits were not obtained before the sign was posted.
Since, additional plans for a new sign did not met full compliance, but were approved by staff and the Heritage Advisory Committee with a note that “this particular case is not considered precedent setting by accepting the sign modifications which bring it closer, but not in full compliance with the Picton Heritage District Conservation Plan.”
All BIA members were invited to an education and information session on Monday evening where County staff hoped to answer questions about the rules, in effect for more than a year now.
Discussion of the value and conservation of heritage buildings began five years ago following the sudden demolition of an historic brick church on Picton Main. The destruction of the 135 year old building made the Heritage Canada Foundation’s list of the 10 worst losses of 2010. That complete story here:
Filed Under: Local News
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Wow some extreme right wing views blatantly showing here now even possible conspiracy theories. Maybe we oughta just save a few things that our Kids Kids Kids Kids and so on can enjoy in the future instead of just makin a buck and leaving a wake of destruction.
I always thought that any BIA was strictly a bunch of business people working together to improve the business environment, until I asked BIA Lindsay at a downtown revitalization meeting.
I learned that the BIA is a government organization, and that she ultimately reports to the Mayor. While members include business owners, they are generally controlled by government policies and agendas, and they are expected to support both. Dissenters are often made unwelcome.
To illustrate the loyalty of the BIA, it took the government’s part when it supported the HCD wholeheartedly against a huge majority of business owners (84%) on Picton’s Main Street who rejected the HCD concept before it was passed against their wishes. That bit of chicanery raises the serious question, does the BIA regularly listen to, and heed, downtown business owners, or does it disregard their needs as it continues to serve Shire Hall’s agenda?
Perhaps the BIA needs to align itself more with the real needs of the business people it purports to serve instead of Shire Hall.
No. Just can’t support the continued reference to a building that used to be a church as being heritage. It offered nothing other than tall walls of red brick. I saw people cry when the wrecking ball went through the wall that Sunday and I wondered why they cared about derelict bricks and mortar when children are starving. It makes less sense now than it did then!
Kind of reminds me when Toronto mayor June Rowlands banned “The Barenaked Ladies” from playing… Is there any chance this is about a historical society having a problem with the word “bum”?
The old brick church may have been nothing more than a derelict building to you Chuck but there were other people who felt differently. Based on your comments I suspect you would have voted to tear down the grandstand at the fairgrounds and perhaps the Crystal Palace. Possibly you would have supported demolition of the stone chapel in Glenwood Cemetery too. And then there is the White Chapel. What would our town and county be without these historic structures? I expect you will be hearing about the old brick church for a long time to come like it or not.
Your right on the money Chuck. Or should I say lack