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Council opens new year setting goals

Councillors will open the new year’s sessions at Shire Hall considering short and long-term goals for Prince Edward County and priorities for its CAO. The goals were first discussed at orientation sessions in November.

Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 7, they are expected to confirm short-term goals, including the top three:
–    Build a cohesive council that respects the view and opinions of all, and builds consensus through compromise and fairness to ratepayer in all areas of council;
–    Implement a Code of Conduct for council members; and
–    Address the size of council

Long-term goals for this term of council including the top three:
–    Achieve sustainable and cost efficient development respecting the rural character of the County;
–    Better coordinate with educational institutions (Queen’s, Loyalist), with an aim to bring satellite locations to The County; and
–     Operate a more efficient building and planning department

The afternoon session is to focus on a report from Mayor Robert Quaiff regarding Chief Administrative Officer Merlin Dewing’s priorities for 2015.  Councillors were asked to submit their top three priorities for the CAO. The resulting list includes:
– Conduct a full review and financial audit of the staffing reorganization to determine its effectiveness in improving service levels, reducing costs as well as determining the level of staff job satisfaction.
– Review of development charges, planning and all building related charges and service levels with comparisons to other municipalities, including both costs and time to complete and to include a review of the effectiveness of our current development charges policy and a review of the items the development charges are being allotted to.
– Increased communication and accountability to be articulated as part of how objectives are met.
– A thorough and transparent review of water and wastewater operations and rates for the ‘urban’ centres of Bloomfield, Picton and Wellington and elsewhere with recommendations for changes.
– Communication between council and ratepayers ex. Mayor use media on a regular basis
– Creation of a heritage economy driver
– Development of a plan to expedite road repair within a specific timeline
– Upon completion of the Corporate Strategic Plan, adopt a long-term financial plan for implementation
– Complete and commence implementation of the County Affordable Housing Strategy


Filed Under: Local News


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  1. Mark says:

    What expertise are they calling upon in order to deal with water & wastewater rates and a plan to replace infrastructure? The current model and too few users is not sustainable. And our ward model of County representation does nothing to help. Further why are they still bent on protecting historic ward boundaries in a review of council size. Why is that a given going in? It is a County government but they still want to protect their little territories! Somethings never change!

  2. Wolf Braun says:

    >>> Implement a Code of Conduct for council members

    Base on what PURPOSE and PRINCIPLES ?

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