All Entries Tagged With: "Prince Edward County council"

Council opens new year setting goals
Councillors will open the new year’s sessions at Shire Hall considering short and long-term goals for Prince Edward County and priorities for its CAO. The goals were first discussed at orientation sessions in November. Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 7, they are expected to confirm short-term goals, including the top three: – Build a cohesive council that […]

Mayor’s levee outlines goals, honours long-serving Keith MacDonald
Prince Edward County Mayor Robert Quaiff outlined goals and objectives for 2015 at his levee New Year’s Day at Macaulay Church in Picton, but as he and his new council move forward, they stopped to honour Keith MacDonald, one of the municipality’s longest serving politicians. Kevin Gale presented a certificate of recognition from County Council […]

County will continue to meet challenges in 2014: Mayor
Prince Edward County council welcomes the new year with continued focus on financial matters, improving infrastructure and services while “shielding taxpayers from further increases”. Mayor Peter Mertens reflected on the past year and plans for 2014 at the County’s New Year’s Levee, Sunday at the Community Centre in Picton. “It was challenging to come up […]

Larvicide program gets green light
By Nicole Kleinsteuber Council gave Hastings Prince Edward County Health Unit the go ahead to initiate its larviciding program in a bid to prevent West Nile virus in the County. The plan involves a precautionary application of methoprene to control infected mosquitoes. “We will only use chemicals if we’re in a serious situation, like back […]

Council to revisit noise bylaw in a year
By Nicole Kleinsteuber County Council will no longer entertain an ongoing feud between two neighbouring businesses regarding proposed amendments to the current noise bylaw. “We’re very pleased with the council’s decision to keep the existing bylaw as it is,” said owner of Fields on West Lake Mark Henry in an interview. “By shutting us down […]

Follow PEC council tonight – live and interactive with Loyalist QNet news reporters
A delegation from the public health unit and a group of citizens speaking on proposed changes to the noise bylaw are on the agenda of the Prince Edward County council meeting starting tonight at 7 p.m. Loyalist College’s QNet News reporters will provide comprehensive coverage of the Prince Edward County council meeting in a live […]

Council invites comment on its draft strategic plan
What’s coming up at Prince Edward County council meetings. Viewers are invited to make comment on council issues, or email a more detailed comment to Writers must use their full name and a valid email address. Full council and committee agendas and minutes with links to documents here: Coming up: July 5 – […]
Noise bylaw continues to be a nuisance
By Nicole Kleinsteuber Prince Edward County’s noise/nuisance bylaw will be back before council at its July 26 meeting after discussion at last week’s committee of the whole meeting about complaints noting venues were being too loud until 2 a.m. The municipal noise bylaw allows an unlimited amount of sound to be made on non-residential property […]

Interpretive Education Centre report on council agenda
What’s coming up at Prince Edward County council meetings. Viewers are invited to make comment on council issues, or email a more detailed comment to Writers must use their full name and a valid email address. Full council and committee agendas and minutes with links to documents here: Coming up: June 16: Committee […]

Council gives green light to auxiliary police unit
By Nicole Kleinsteuber Prince Edward County will be stepping up its police presence this summer as council approved a motion at Thursday’s committee of the whole meeting to welcome an auxiliary unit. Councillor Robert Quaiff told council that five to 10 volunteer police officers are in the process of being transferred to Prince Edward County […]