Councillor proposes Waupoos be declared disaster area due to hail damage
Administrator | Sep 27, 2011 | Comments 12
Councillor Robert Quaiff will address Prince Edward County Council tonight regarding crop damage – to apples, blueberries, wheat, beans and tomatoes – as a result of the hail storm, August 13, 2011.
He will propose that as a result of significant crop damage sustained by farmers in the Waupoos area resulting from the hail storm that the County declare the area of Waupoos a Disaster Area for the purposes of the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program.
Among tonight’s bylaws for consideration:
THAT the following by-laws be read a first, second and third time and finally passed:
11.1.1 A By-law to Authorize an Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward and Prince Edward-Hastings Habitat for Humanity for the Conveyance of Property described as 7 York Street, Ward 1 Picton, County of Prince Edward.
11.1.2 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a License Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward and Quinte Communications Ltd.
11.1.3 A By-law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward to enter into an Encroachment Agreement with Dennis John Dick and Leslie Gail Dick.
11.1.4 A By-law to Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Execute a Construction Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Prince Edward and Cobourg Development Services Ltd. for the Bloomfield Main Street Culvert Replacement.
11.1.5 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a License Agreement between the County of Prince Edward and Barry Edward Denman (75 Fawcett Ave.)
11.1.6 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a License Agreement between the County of Prince Edward and Jennifer Lynn Litke (78 Fawcett Ave.)
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
We get it. You aren’t voting Liberal and are no fan of Dalton.
Do you folks know that Dalton McGuinty has provided close to 10 Million dollars towards “Renewable Energy” programs designed to talk you into accepting wind and solar development through several agencies ?
And we banter around helping our farmers.
I have a great of respect for any farmer.
At least they help provide some form of food on the table..or a good glass of wine if so inclined.
Rather than have money wasted…..I can’t theink of a better use for it than help these folks.
I will shoot off a few emails in support
Good luck folks,
Jack you better read again, there is no “us” and “them” attitude. You started off by saying you agree with the original post and I disagree with it. You better find out what a forum is all about. Every one can have their own opinion and voice it. It’s people like you that get your back up when others don’t agree with you.
BV Where would you prefer I go? My FARM in Ameliasburg where my wife and I raised our three children for some twenty five years, or to the house in Sophiaburg where we resided for over ten years. It truly a sad state affairs this ” us” and “them “attitude. I think your comments are a total misuse of this forum.
Very well said Chris, but Jack Dall would rather see the money go towards the road put in to his house on the lake.
Crop insurance is very expensive and farmers work for very slim margins. This hail event was probably a one in a hundred years occurrence. Why shouldn’t the farmers be entitled to some relief? We eat the food they produce, they are our neighbours, and some of the taxes we have paid the Ontario government (not the County) support the Disaster Relief fund. At least this would be money well spent – not like some of the other boondoggles we’ve witnessed over the past eight years.
I agree completely with Mark–Council should get on with the business it has been neglecting
I don’t disagree with this move for the farmers. BUT! Can our council deal with getting a competent CAO hired to replace the part time position at full time pay that was left vacant in May? We spent $30,000 for a head hunter to get someone in here with sound experience, not from within. Can they get a plan to repair our roads without once again raising taxes? Can they come up with a plan to reduce council size and better represent the electorate? A little support for farmers is a drop in the bucket compared to the real issues this council needs to get on with.
Jack you say “Poor farmers”
I say poor Jack that has to live on the water and have ATV’s go by on the shore line. Poor Jack has to wine and cry about getting his road maintained, poor Jack should move back where he came from.
My tax dollars go out of country in foreign aid . Some of the dollars get to where we think it should go but a great deal goes to “Foreign Aid Row” it.
If there is money to go out of the country , then there had better be money for these farmers and Goderich too!
We talk about investing in our future all the time which usually means subsidizing some fat cat business scheme
Well I think there must be help given and i don’t care if they bought crop insurance or not.
I don’t understand why we wouldn’t all back them to get aid.
I absolutely agree with you. Poor farmes, ha!!
If these farmers had taken out crop insurance they would have been covered for the hail damage.