County boasts community development to Caribbean municipal leaders
Administrator | Sep 03, 2014 | Comments 0
The County is hosting international municipal leaders participating in the Caribbean Local Economic Development (CARILED) program.
“We are looking forward to hosting our CARILED partners from the Caribbean this week,” said Mayor Peter Mertens. “Along with our community partners, The County will be sharing our new approach to community development, allowing participants to observe innovative approaches that are proving to be successful in the County – and could be used to increase sustainable economic growth in the Caribbean.”
Officials and employees from Guyana, Saint Lucia, Jamaica and Trinidad are visiting Sept. 4-5. During their visit, County staff will be providing an overview of the local economic development structure and corresponding community development initiatives – including:
– the innovative Community Development Commission model,
– the importance of developing and maintaining key community partnerships,
– strategic planning and public consultation at the Municipal level,
– the importance of community branding and destination marketing,
– business support initiatives – including winter survival workshops, and
– the one-window approach to development applications and approvals.
Emphasizing collaboration with community partners, CARILED participants are to receive presentations from the Picton Business Improvement Association, the Prince Edward Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation, the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce and the Small Business Enterprise Centre. The organizations will provide an overview of their roles in community development in Prince Edward County.
CARILED is a six-year, $23.2 million project implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), and is intended to stimulate sustainable local economic development in the Caribbean. The program is supporting nearly 50 local governments and agencies in their local economic development initiatives. Prince Edward County was chosen from a number of municipalities across Canada as best demonstrating successful entrepreneurship and attributes of local economic development.
As a partner with FCM and the CARILED program, the County serves as a model of expertise in local economic development, helping partner municipalities boost development by increasing their capacity to manage public affairs, attract and retain investment and encourage new business ventures, said Neil Carbone, Director of Community Development.
Filed Under: Local News
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