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County hires Director of Community Development

Neil Carbone becomes Prince Edward County’s Director of Community Development next month.
Carbone has been hired to provide leadership to the recently created Community Development Department team beginning Nov. 20.
Carbone comes to the County with a diverse background in municipal sdministration, bringing experience in not only community development, but also in communications, community services, human resources, and airport management.
He will be leaving a five-year-term at the Municipality of Sioux Lookout, where he held a variety of senior management positions.

“Under Carbone’s leadership, the Community Development department will strive to create sustainable jobs that match the County’s employment needs and opportunities, work to attract businesses by profiling the County as an attractive economic climate, and build on local assets, resources, heritage, and innovation,” says Merlin J. Dewing, Chief Administrative Officer.

“I am eager to join the Community Development team” Carbone says. “I can already see the potential to diversify the economy and create sustainable employment simply by leveraging and maximizing our existing strengths and resources. What is most exciting is that we can do this without compromising that unique quality of life that brings so many people to Prince Edward County.”

“Carbone’s commitment to customer service and diversity of experience will provide collaborative leadership for our Community Development department” says Dewing. “His experience working with community groups, managing municipal lands and spearheading infrastructure projects will help achieve the department’s mandate.”

While Carbone will join the Community Development team on Nov. 20, the County will benefit from his working collaboratively with outgoing director Gerry Murphy to ensure a smooth transition of management responsibilities.

Murphy, who has provided interim leadership to the Community Development Department throughout the County’s corporate realignment process, will conclude his term on Dec. 7, 2012.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Barb says:

    Well, if it smells like a duck, it’s probably a duck. This smells like a duck I’d say, and ducks smell pretty funny.

  2. m york says:

    Kathryn, You are so right…. Pay now or pay later there’s no difference. Conflict of interest, I believe so. It hasn’t been looking good for awhile now but County Council seems almost blind to it all. If it walks like a duck, acts like a duck then its a duck. Have a look people to see who actually voted in favour of employees going to the Caribbean that way when election time roles around it will be clear in our minds. SHAMEFUL abuse of power at the horseshoe and it dosn’t seem to matter what the public have to say anymore. Are they no longer working for the public, apparently NOT????? We’ve become the laughing stalk of every community around us at a time when we should be saving as the CAO, Mayor and Council have stated, however this dosn’t seem to apply to them?????????????????

  3. Kathryn Ostrander says:

    How do you spell nepotism in the workplace?? If it is legal, as a county councilor I would be buying out Mr. CAO’s contract and dismissing him promptly!!! In the end will save bundles!! Conflict of intrest??? I would say so!!! What is this county government coming to?? Clean up your act horseshoe!!! Not looking good from the outside!!!

  4. Louise says:

    We must remember that 2 councillors voted against giving that authority
    the way it is now I DON’T THINK WE NEED ANY COUNCILLORS.

  5. m york says:

    Louise, Exactly and why did they give him complete control?? Because if he scr**s up then they for some reason believe it won’t dirty their hands NOT… They have already crossed the line on these issues and will have to explain it to someone real soon. The good thing is some individuals have been taking notes for sometime now and are ready to jump on the election band wagon.

  6. Louise says:

    I thought that lady that they hired when he first came here was frm there too
    remember that council gave merlin complete authority to hire and fire WHY????????

  7. m york says:

    What does P.E.C. have to do with Siux Lookout hmmm well thats where Mr. CAO came from, are they friends well you figure that one out???? Its hard to believe that NO ONE from around here was qualified for this position???? A question to Mr.Mayor and Council, “Who is supervising these decisions”? and on a personal note this should be investigated from an obudsman (the spelling isn’t even close on this but i think you get the gist of it……)

  8. m york says:

    Louise, good question lol ??????

  9. Louise says:

    I thought we were getting rid of people not hiring.
    What does our community have in common with Sioux Lookout????

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