County invites feedback on retail sale of cannabis
Administrator | Dec 06, 2018 | Comments 12
The County of Prince Edward is seeking input from residents on the retail sale of cannabis in the community.
A third-party firm is currently conducting a random telephone survey of County residents. The municipality would also like residents to complete a brief survey by 4 pm on Friday, Dec. 21.
“Before making this important decision, council believes it is important to gauge public sentiment and gather additional information,” said Mayor Steve Ferguson. “We encourage residents, if contacted by the polling company, to take a few minutes to answer the questions. And if you are not contacted for the telephone survey, we would welcome your input through the voluntary survey.”
Under the Ontario Cannabis Act, the provincially-run Ontario Cannabis Store will only provide online sales, with no physical retail locations. The province is allowing municipalities until Jan. 22 to pass resolutions if they choose to opt out of having private stores.
While municipalities have the ability of reversing an opt-out decision in the future, that may impact the eligibility amount of cannabis excise tax funds received. Details of opting back in have not yet been released by the provincial government. Municipalities are expected to receive at least $10,000 to support the transition to legal cannabis and additional funding is to be announced in the future.
At council’s November meeting, councillor Bill Roberts noted other communities who have done surveys have turned up useful information above and beyond whether to have or not have private retail cannabis sales in the community.
“For example, several communities have said ‘OK with the private, but not in our heritage designated areas, for example. I support this. It has merit and value.”
Councillor Janice Maynard said she applauds the outreach to the community, noting it is an example of promised engagement on an issue of broad public interest.
The voluntary survey is posted online at Hard copies are available at the front desk at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street, Picton) during office hours between 8:30 am – 5 pm.
Filed Under: Local News
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Thank you Gary!
Archie. I checked with County government. By the time that the polling company called you, they had all of the responses needed for your age group. There are limits for each age group so that the results will be representative of the County’s population.
I think they should allow just like the wineries and breweries And have pot tours to. Let’s bring as much money as possible to the county.
I fail to see why there is a debate over access to a legal product. Alchohol is widely available. Just keep it in the commercial core.
Why not? Good idea to have retail outlet here.
I wasn’t allowed to continue the survey on the telephone after telling them I was age 60 and they didn’t say why but I was able to do it online.
This is a no brainer – of course! As well, the 300 tax to inspect someones indoor grow tent is ridiculous. The supreme court laid to rest the notion that a grow tent is a grow-op and presented any dangers. Further, if the same tent had vegetables growing in it no fee or inspection would be required. It is a tent, a light that plugs in to a normal wall socket and a plant, like any house plant any one might have in their home right now. Educate yourself before you legislate please, it is your civic duty.
Of course should have one in the county it would be great for the elderly that can’t drive!
Convenience will maximize safety. It’s important to make it convenient to purchase cannabis locally so that people will be buying product that is known to be free of dangerous contaminants.
Will fill a couple of empty store fronts and add to the tax base. Agree with the use or not, it is legal.
A tourist destination requires a cannabis store or two. There is also a very high use within this community.
Seems like a no brainer given the locals and tourists that desire this product to support local tax paying business. Alternative would be to send the $$ over the bridge.