County plows back in action
Administrator | Dec 29, 2012 | Comments 6
County plows are back in action early this morning clearing Prince Edward’s more than 1,100kms of open/maintained roads. The Weather Network reports it’s -6C, but feels like -13. Wind is expected to drop to 20km/h this afternoon and 15km this evening. About 5cm of snow is expected from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.
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I have been waiting for my sidewalks to be cleaned out(union st) since the snowfall its sad seeing people with little kids having to walk on the street.
Ken, I did ask, thank you very much thats why I wrote back.Employees lost out on overtime to contracted workers to try to save a dime. If anyone can do math they could see that it cost a hell of a lot more to contract out then to use the workers we already have. The County workers have always done a great job on the roads and will continue to do so.
Why don’t you go ask? You seem to have a major axe to grind with the County. My road has been done within a reasonable amount of time after each snowfall, also taking into account that it’s a side road.
Ken, Apparently they use the contract employees for overtime???
It’s been nothing but county trucks plowing out where I am. My little side road is great.
I had to laugh the other day when I drove past the roads dept. garage on Lake St. as it wasn’t a County truck sitting there but rather Harrison’s, a private contractor???? I know how much these contractors charge an hour for thier trucks, plows, men and not to mention they have to be paid for being on call and the taxpayers are not are not saving one red dime for this but rather we are paying out the a**. Mr. Mayor/council please explain this to me as well the town is ringing with the news that the CAO is getting a new office decoration (2nd time) while he is away on holidays, if this is indeed correct then you all should be axed. Don’t ask us taxpayers to continue to scrimp every dime we have while you’s continue to spend recklessly…