County raises $10,000+ in Walk for Memories
Administrator | Feb 02, 2015 | Comments 0
Steps taken in this year’s Walk for Memories helped raise more than $10,000 for people in Prince Edward County with Alzheimers and related dementias, and the caregivers and families who support them.
Two dozen fundraisers gathered $10,104 while about 75 people in total enjoyed each other’s company and support at the annual walk held Saturday at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute.
“Woohoo,” says Laura Hare, Interim Executive Director for the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County. The figure more than doubled last year’s tally where $4,600 was collected.
Using 2011 Census numbers, Hare says that in Prince Edward County with a population of 25,000, there are approximately 6,400 over the age of 65.
“Between the 2006 and 2011 census, the overall population growth in the County was one per cent, but the growth in the 65+ age group was 15 per cent,” she said. “Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia and the prevalence is approximately one in 11 over the age of 65.
“This works out to 580 County residents living with dementia. The society has 103 clients in its database, meaning that 80 per cent of those in the County living with dementia have not yet connected with the society,” said Hare. “The amalgamation (April 1, 2015) of the Prince Edward County and Belleville-Hastings-Quinte Alzheimer societies will position the new organization to allocate resources where they are most needed and with the County’s high proportion of senior residents, those resources are very much needed here.”
The Walk for Memories is a major fundraiser for the society. With 50 per cent funding from the government, the society depends on the generosity of the community for support.
Top Individual Fundraiser was Vicki Lavendar raising $3,000 and winning two return tickets on VIA Rail anywhere in the Windsor-Quebec corridor. The Top Team was PFJ Firefighters winning a $200 gift certificate for Acoustic Grill.
Top Youth Fundraiser this year was Alyssa Lyons, raising $100 and winning four tickets to the Regent Theatre
June Waldron, of Trenton, won the first prize progressive Evening to Remember prize. Ben Ferguson, of Belleville, won second prize of the overnight stay at the Merrill Inn and John Joy, of Belleville, won the third prize dinner at Angelo’s Restaurant.
The walk was not held in Wellington this year as it will be the location for the society’s new national campaign “Walk for Alzheimers – Make Memories Matter” to unfold in the spring. Details yet to be announced.
In the meantime, contact the PEC Society for details on services offered including:
– Home/office visits and one-on-one consultation

Tabitha Kay selling fundraising tickets. June Waldron, of Trenton, won the first prize progressive Evening to Remember prize. Ben Ferguson, of Belleville, won second prize of the overnight stay at the Merrill Inn and John Joy, of Belleville, won the third prize dinner at Angelo’s Restaurant.
– Referrals to community resources
– Advocacy for accessing community resources
– Education workshops (Finding your Way – Nov 2014, In My Shoes – April 2015)
– Caregiver retreats (March 2015, October 2016)
– Lending library
– Caregiver support groups in Picton and Wellington
– Early stage group in Picton
Your support is always welcome:
Click here to ‘LIKE’ the Alzheimer Society on Facebook
Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County
90 King Street,
Corner of King & Paul
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Tel: (613 )476-2085
Fax: (613) 476-1537

The Top Team was PFJ Firefighters winning a $200 gift certificate for Acoustic Grill. – Tabitha Kay photo
Below – Exercise your brain with these teasers found at one of the activity centres on Saturday. No worries, answers follow, below!
The society extends its thanks to walk sponsors: ESSROC Italcementi Group, Canadian Tire Picton, Hicks & Whattam Funeral Homes, McDougall Stanton, The Vinyl Solution Sign Company. Special thanks to VIA Rail, Regent Theatre, Stormy’s Car Sales, Acoustic Grill, No Frills, Pure County Bottled Water, County Farm Centre.
Thanks to volunteers for the event and volunteer planning committee: Janet Lyons, Melanie Payne, Jennifer Lyons, Penny Bannister, Melanie Saunders, Trisha Davies, Tabitha Kay.
Thanks to Huff Estates Winery, Claramount Inn, Portabella and Merrill Inn for their donations to the first prize of the progressive dinner for four.
Thanks to Huff Estates Winery for their donation to the first prize with an overnight stay for the winners.
Thanks to Flowers n Such and My Private Driver Errand Service for their donations to the first prize with flowers and transportation.
Thanks to the Merrill Inn for the second prize of an overnight stay. Thanks to Angelo’s Restaurant for the third prize of a meal with wine.
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