All Entries Tagged With: "Alzheimers"

Still Alice reminds viewers to never lose sight of person living with Alzheimer’s
Never lose sight of the person living with Alzheimer’s and dementia is the lesson in Julianne Moore’s Academy Award winning performance in Still Alice. Laura Hare, executive director of newly combined Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward, joined volunteers and supporters at the Empire Theatre in Belleville Friday for opening night of the movie. They shared […]

County raises $10,000+ in Walk for Memories
Steps taken in this year’s Walk for Memories helped raise more than $10,000 for people in Prince Edward County with Alzheimers and related dementias, and the caregivers and families who support them. Two dozen fundraisers gathered $10,104 while about 75 people in total enjoyed each other’s company and support at the annual walk held Saturday […]

Online petition supports National Dementia Strategy
For 747,000 Canadians and their families, the heartbreak of Alzheimers and related dementias is a daily reality. There is a new online petition to support a national dementia strategy. Claude Gravelle, MP Nickel Belt, will be sharing the signatures with Health Minister Rona Ambrose. The petition is here: He is presenting a private members’ […]