Countylive is back online
Administrator | Aug 19, 2017 | Comments 4 is relieved to be back in action with Prince Edward County news and information on the world wide web!
We thank you, dear readers, for your patience during the transition of our website to a new host and server – necessary due to high volume daily traffic our old server could no longer handle!
Your support and concern shown through emails, Facebook messages, phone calls and personal visits were much appreciated.
If we have missed an email from you, please contact us again at, or on Facebook
We have a LOT of updating to do!
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
Great to have countylive back. Missed keeping up with news and events.
You really don’t know what you got till it’s gone! So very true ! Welcome back.
Missed not having, but now you are back.
Great news!
SOOOO glad you are back