Demorestville W.I. and Fran’s Golden Girls support Digital Mammography and Ultrasound campaign
Administrator | Mar 22, 2012 | Comments 0
The Demorestville Women’s Institute presented $1,000 to the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation March 21, 2012. Their gift will be directed toward the digital mammography and ultrasound campaign currently under way at PECMH. This type of community support is vital as the government does not provide funds to purchase medical equipment. It has always been the responsibility of the community, through the Foundation’s fundraising efforts, to fund capital medical equipment needs. Since the campaign launch in October, County residents have enthusiastically risen to the challenge of raising $750,000 for the new equipment. It is because of organizations like the Demorestville Women’s Institute, that the Foundation is nearing its goal to bring County residents this state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. Pictured, from left are ladies from the Demorestville W.I. including, Dorotha Robinson, Diane Alder, Joan Williams, president of the Demorestville W.I., Connie Rabbie, Briar Boyce, communications co-ordinator with the PECMH Foundation, Trudy Jones, vice president of the Demorestville W.I. and Margaret Williams. Absent from the photo were Connie McConnell, Margaret Kerr, Cheryl Wager, Peggy Allison, Penny Gale, Barb Foster, Marjorie Pearsall and Gail Wright, who took the photograph.
Fran Renoy presents Briar Boyce, communications co-ordinator of the PECMH Foundation, with $200 raised by the “Golden Girls” bridge club. The funds will be directed toward the campaign for a digital mammography machine. To-date, the “Golden Girls” and friends have donated $3,500 back to the community, primarily to health care in Prince Edward County. This fundraising bridge luncheon was partially sponsored by Portabella Bistro. For more information on the digital mammography campaign, call 613-476-1008 ext. 4425. or visit
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