Detour removed as Picton Main reconstruction moves to phase three
Administrator | Jul 12, 2024 | Comments 1
During the third phase of the Picton Main Street reconstruction, Main, from Johnson Street to McFarland Drive will be open to two-way traffic, and the detour using Johnson Street, McSteven Drive and McFarland Drive will be removed.
Reconstruction takes place from McFarland Drive to 300 metres north and the area will be restricted to one lane using traffic signals for control.
Local traffic access to properties within the construction area will be maintained as well as emergency vehicle access.
The County has been reconstructing Picton Main from Division Street to 300 metres north of McFarland Drive in an $11 million contract to RW Tomlinson Ltd.
The project includes installation of new underground infrastructure including watermains, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers, following which the roadway is being reconstructed with new concrete curb and gutters, concrete sidewalks, and a new an asphalt roadway surface.
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Please remember to use Cty Rd 6 ( across from Parsons ) when possible