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Registration for online voting extended to October 27 at 6 p.m.

Some PEC electors have experienced difficulty connecting to the online voting website provided on the voter notification cards. As a result, online voting has been extended to election day, Monday, Oct. 27.

County Clerk Kim White, Returning Officer, said she has been informed by Dominion Voting that the company has addressed issues that some electors were experiencing.

Electors can click here for a direct link to the internet voting site or visit the county website and click on “Want to vote online?” located in the right-hand column under “Top Requests”

Electors must register at to vote online by Monday, Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. to receive a PIN number. Once they
have received a PIN, they are able to cast their ballot online until Election Day, Oct. 27, 2014 at 8 p.m.

If electors experience issues with these links, contact or by phone 613-476-2148 ext. 239.

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  1. Darrin says:

    Just voted online with your link – no problems. Thanks countylive!

  2. Susan says:

    Damage control 101. There are going to be concerns raised I’m afraid in very close decisions.

  3. The County says:

    On behalf of the County: We have issued statements advising that the link initially provided on voter cards may not work on some browsers as a result of technical issues with the online voting service provider.

    We apologize for this inconvenience and are doing all we can to ensure all electors have the opportunity to vote. As a result of these issues, we have extended online voting registration to 6pm on election day, Monday October 27. Accessing the following link should provide you with the opportunity to vote online.

    You can also access the online voting link via our homepage at, under the ‘top requests’ section on the right hand side of the page.

    If the link continues to fail, you may wish to try using a different web browser.

    Please be advised that you will need your VIN (Voter Identification Number) to vote online. This number is the thirteen digit number immediately below the bar code on your Voter Card.

    If you continue to have issues voting online, please contact 613-476-2148 Ext. 239 or

    Please share this information to ensure everyone has the opportunity to vote. Thank you for taking the time to vote in the 2014 Municipal Election.

    The County of Prince Edward

  4. Gary Mooney says:

    The link to online voting DOES work — I just tried it (Fri, 07:30). It takes you to a screen that provides a choice of Register or Vote.

    First, click Register. You need to enter your Voter ID, which is called Elector Identification on the Notice of Voter Registration mailed to you earlier. You’ll be provided with a PIN for use in voting online.

    Next, click Vote. You’ll need to enter both the Voter ID and the PIN.

    If you don’t have a Notice of Voter Registration (also called Voter Card), it may be because you misplaced it, or because you are not on the Voter’s List (which can happen even if you have lived here all your life). In this case, see the instructions at

    Note: Others have reported that the deadline for registration to vote online has been extended from Wed Oct 22 to Mon Oct 27, so the headline of this article is now incorrect.

  5. Wolf Braun says:

    The link for the voter registration card DOES NOT work. Correct.

    Two things one can do. If using Firefox as your browser, go to the County website and click the link “to vote onlline”. That should take your son there. Secondly, switch browsers. Try it with MS Explorer.

  6. Susan says:

    Belleville and Quinte West’s online voting seems to have worked without a hitch. It has presented a new avenue for individuals both young and those elderly who have difficulty getting out to stations on election day to cast their vote. We can only hope this does not negatively affect what may be several close races. Wonder why Prince Edward couldn’t have gotten this right.

  7. Ian Macpherson says:

    Unfortunately, the on-line registration, using the Voter Registration Notices that we received, did not work.

    As a result, both my sons will be denied the right to vote on their first opportunity since reaching voter age.

  8. Linda says:

    I have made several attempts to register, the link doesn’t work. Left messages and no reply. How come everyone else in Belleville and other places don’t have this problem. Greatly disappointed.

  9. Jack Dall says:

    I did not receive a voter identification card in the mail. Address information used for mailing out the cards is obtained from MPAC according to Shire Hall My card was mailed to an address that I owned 11years ago. Shire Hall emailed me a identification card and the link to cast a vote. Everything worked fine. Have to wonder about MPAC ,s data base and ability to perform with outdated information that it was using in this particular case.

  10. Chris Keen says:

    From Quinte News:

    “The County is also extending registration for online voting until 6 p.m. on election day, October 27th.

    Once they are registered voters can cast their ballots online until 8 p.m.”

  11. Rachael says:

    Gary, I believe online voting now ends at 8:00PM on October 27th. You need to be registered by 6:00PM that day.

  12. Robert says:

    Worked great for me. Interesting that you can make “no choice” and it accepts it and gives you a warning at the end.

    Hopfully these are counted and published.

    To bad this option is not clearly explained.

  13. Gary says:

    When does online voting end?

  14. Paul says:

    I took a quick look at the source code on the Register, Vote page definitely make sure your browser is updated to the latest version and update Java as well.

  15. Susan says:

    Well it is Shire Hall! Lol. On a serious note this could have a significant impact on voting particularly among younger voters.

  16. Sharon Harrison says:

    After several days of trying to access (using IE) the provided link on the voter registration letter I received, it did not work. I called the information number at Shire Hall and they provided me with a different link which did work. I went through all the steps/questions to register for a PIN with no problem. It said I had been successful! Shortly after, I received an email notification providing me with another link (presumably so I can obtain my PIN), except that link does not work. HELP! Another call was made to Shire Hall, and a message left. Is the idea at this municipal election to deter people from voting online? This is 2014 people. And having a process and website links that actually work is not rocket science, is it?

    Online voting: Fail

  17. Paul says:

    Many factors will likely effect compatibility with a new site besides the obvious java version flash version and security settings could effect ability to view the website properly

  18. Chris Keen says:

    I, too, found it impossible to register for a PIN number after many attempts using Mozilla’s Firefox. I then tried Internet Explorer and it worked. Nowhere on the site, or the voter registration card, is it mentioned that the site (apparently) only supports IE. Apple’s Safari did not work either. I called the telephon number to report issues and left a message to report this but received no response.

    Further, when I emailed this information to the email address provided on the site I got this response:

    Your message can’t be delivered because delivery to this address is restricted.”

    So the email address apparently doesn’t work either.

    When I used IE to see if there was another link into the site, I noticed that the link to be used for registering for a PIN number is only described in French but both French and English descriptions appear describing the site to use for voting.

    All in all, a shaky start!!

  19. Wolf Braun says:

    We found that the web address provided on the Notice of Voter Registration did not work. However when we went to and clicked on the link there to take us to the voter registration it worked. The second problem was with the first request for DOB. Had to call Shire Hall for help. Got stuck in “voice mail maze” for a while. Had to leave a message. Call was returned. 🙁

  20. Lori Cairns says:

    No matter which route I take to get there, I cannot register to vote online. The “Register” page does not fully load. There is no verification place loading. When I fill in the information spaces and click the Submit button, I get a message that my voting parameters don’t exist, or language to that effect.

    Online voting: Fail

  21. Chris says:

    Thanks for this – still can’t register using the site supplied by the County but your link worked. I’d suggest the County person add a line to her voice mailmessage about this. Save her lots of messages.

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