Discoloured water in Rossmore and Fenwood Gardens
Administrator | Jul 14, 2020 | Comments 0
Slightly discoloured water may be experienced by some customers connected to the Rossmore/Fenwood Gardens drinking water system.
The municipality reports that system receives water from the Belleville Water Treatment Plant. Due to extended elevated temperatures and a lack of rainfall, there has been an impact on the appearance of treated water leaving the Belleville Water Treatment Plant, resulting in a slight discolouration of the potable water.
The County and the City of Belleville continue to monitor water quality according to legislative requirements. The County reports water quality results have returned free of any bacteriological presence and remains safe to use and drink, stating the coloured water is an aesthetic concern only.
Customers are advised the coloured water is not associated with the hydrant flushing activities recently completed in the Rossmore/Fenwood Gardens Drinking Water System. Flushing the cold water tap nearest to the water meter will not clear the colour from the water.
Belleville Drinking Water Treatment operators are working on addressing the issue and restoring the water to normal colour ranges.
More information about the coloured water can be found on the City of Belleville’s media release page of their website.
For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023, 613.962.9108 ext. 1023, or info@pecounty.on.ca.
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