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Simpson’s off to Cooperstown

Shae-Lynn at bat. Phil Norton photo

Terry Deroche presesnts Shae-Lynn $300 from the Picton Kinsmen Club.

With best wishes and community support in hand, Shae-Lynn Simpson is off to Cooperstown Friday to suit up with some impressive “girls of summer”  in her journey as the only Canadian team member on the North American All Star Sparks team at a Cooperstown Dreams Park tournament.
Donations to help get Simpson to Cooperstown started right off the bat with donations from: $300 Wellington Legion; $300 Wellington Lions Club; $300 Wellington Rotary Club;$300 Picton Kinsmen Club; $100 Kiwanis; $100 Cherry Valley Lions Club and $100 from a ball hockey tourney in Milford.
“I would also like to thank the Prince Edward Minor Baseball Association for thinking of us,” says her dad, Dave Simpson. “We ran the canteen this weekend and raised $500 toward her trip.”
A member of her team is Chelsea Baker, a 13-year-old who like Simpson, plays baseball on an all-boys team instead of being forced to play softball. Baker, coached by pitching great Joe Niekro, throws an amazing knuckleball. (See video below)
“The Sparks will be the only girls’ team competing against the other 100 boys teams in a 12U baseball tournament,” says Justine Siegal, Baseball For All executive director. “The Sparks have been featured by dozens of media outlets, and have their own documentary, ‘Girls of Summer.’
“Shae-Lynn will be integral to our team’s success.  She has been playing baseball for six years and plays pitcher and  first base Positions.  She is the only Canadian girl in her age group to participate.  Any financial support for her family is greatly appreciated.
Siegal notes that any assistance and support for Shae-Lynn or the Sparks is greatly appreciated.
“Your generosity will afford Shae-Lynn and her teammates the opportunity to represent themselves, their baseball community, and all girls who love baseball, in this historic national event.  This is the 8th year the Sparks will be playing at Dreamspark.”
All donations are tax deductible . For further information on the Sparks, visit the website at

E:60 Chelsea Baker tease from E60 on Vimeo.

Filed Under: Local NewsSports & Recreation


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