Doxsee Road is not a designated garbage dump
Administrator | Apr 10, 2012 | Comments 11
This is a finger wag to the individual or individuals who use the county back roads as a garbage dump. Doxsee Road is a minor back road near my property that I use often coming back from Picton. I’ve seen garbage bags, tires, VCRs, assorted pipes, you name it, chances are you’ll find it thrown there at some point. Now I can add couch cushions to the list.
Apparently Doxsee is also popular with commuters going to Belleville or environs, as it is the repository for hundreds of coffee cups. Ten minutes is empirically the time needed to drink a small size ; if you continue along SR14 to the north, you’ll see the larger sizes. Someone could do a study, as there is plenty of material to survey.
Prince Edward County is a little different from major centres like Toronto in that there are way fewer eyes watching, and so it comes down to a person’s character more often than peer pressure, to do the right thing. Whether it’s laziness, carelessness or complete indifference makes no difference to the end result. If you can’t afford to take this stuff to the dump, how are you able to afford to drive the vehicle large enough to haul payloads like the one above.
In the end, one person’s thoughtlessness requires another person’s effort to undo the damage, however slight. I hope that pictures like this one become a lot rarer in the future, but I’m not betting on it.
Daniel Vaughan
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion • News from Everywhere Else
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MARNIE-I was driving up Johnson Street the other day and 5 men and three trucks were cutting down a sapling type tree-It is beside what they tell me is a new solar plant, and this side of the trail. I could have cut that down by myself
Just another one of those times when it takes 10 men t0 do the job of 1
Maybe we should outsource tree cutting the private sector know how to cut trees quickly and cheaply
In fact we would be better to outsource a lot of things-no trucks to buy-no gasoline-no wage contracts-no benefits–no retirement plans with benefits–I am sure I missed something
Do you work for the county, Ken? Not long ago, I watched a waste receptacle on Bloomfield’s Main Street being emptied by TWO – count ’em, two – county workers. One removed the lid, while the other lifted out the bag. A pity there are not more watchdogs to observe our tax dollars in action.
Ken you say Mark and I work the turbine issue into all our messages. Well we do not know each other but the turbine issue is so large that it just slips in there as we feel so sorry for the people in South Marysburgh and McGinty(he has other names)like McFITy, has put it in his budget that turbine companies do not have to get environmental approval to build their horrible things
Surely you jest. Slip off topic once and you call me out. But really most all topics here in the past 6 months are all related to the costly and inexcusable mismanagement of the municipality. Let’s raise the bag tags which at onetime not long ago was part of your taxes. Let’s hire more roads workers to clean the ditches of garbage and perhaps add a 5th roads supervisor to oversee it. Remember when there was one free day to cleanout all your junk and take it to the dump. Gone. Amalgamation was an experiment that has gone mad. It’s primary purpose was to reap savings. Yeah right!
I find it amusing how Mark and Doris can work an anti-wind rant into almost any topic.
I think if caught, the roadside dumpers should be fined the maximum the by-law allows. But that would mean our by-law trucks would be out on the road even more than they are now, sending a few of our self-appointed watchdogs into a tizzy about budgets and expenditures.
I predicted roadside dumping would be happening more now, and in town I’ve seen a couple dumpsters filled beyond capacity, and also some people are dumping household waste in our nice new garbage/recycling receptacles in the downtown.
I can’t see that the dumping of trash out the back of a truck or out a car window has anything to do with the cost of bag tags and building fees and so on, but maybe that humans have an aversion to following through with what they purchase. Everything – everything – we purchase that is manufactured has eventually to be disposed of. What changes in a person’s mind when the object they buy comes to the end of its lifespan? Be it a coffee cup or cushions or tires, when you buy it, how about being RESPONSIBLE for it until its end? That may be recycling it, donating it, dismantling it to be recycled, giving it away, fixing it to get more life out of it, or preparing it for the local landfill. If you can’t afford it, don’t acquire it. Look at the whole picture, not the instant you buy it. Isn’t this, too, the only way we as a society are going to reduce the amount of trash we produce in landfills and ditches?
I too take Doxee Road on my way to work, only along the span between Jericho and the #14 so I missed viewing the cushions, but I have seen many of the items that DV mentioned, including a large TV at one point. I’ve not seen the variety of items I see here, anywhere else in my travels through the county roads. It is one special place I guess.
There was a graph in one of the papers that showed how much building development has decreased in the county
in the county in the last few years . It is as Mark says
the development fees are too high–twice what they are in Hastings and Hastings has more to offer than PEC,
Now the development office has a new head person and they are going to have a big meeting–well it would be better if the whole department was done away with–I doubt that many of the various things that have come tothe county are because of that department and now with building fees so high and turbines coming to the county–will people come here??? I DOUBT IT
RE Doxsee rd maybe someone is just showing the county what will happen with bag tag fee increase. I went into a store and got a little strip of pink tags and paid $30–could have spent my money on something a little more worthwhile
If the choice is between putting food on the table or forking out $6.00 for two bag tags I think you know what the choice will be.I am not condoning it but I am a realist. If the choice is paying $20,000 development and connection fees in the County and it is $10,000 nearby without the threat of devaluation due to turbines I think you know what the choice will be. Council & Staff are putting up all the roadblocks to a healthy economy in the County. They would rather tinker with bag tag fees than look at the huge staffing costs. They have already cut new housing development to a crawl. Might be time to get out of here before we all end up like landowners in South Marysburgh.
I do not condone this dumping, but I’m afraid this problem is just going to get worse as council keeps upping the price of garbage collection and taking garbage to transfer sites. Not to mention raising property taxes to astronomical levels.
If nothing else this garbage should end up in front of Shire Hall and not on our roadsides.
What is WRONG with people like this?????
Maybe we need a law like they have in Florida… if I feel my County is “threatened”, then I have the right to smack the polluter upside the head if I catch him doing it.
Sounds like Doxee Road is looking a lot like P.E.Heights roadways around Clark, Miller, and Old Milford Road. Last week there were 3 black garbage bags, tied and neatly placed along side the road, then further up more garbage scattered and blowing all over the ditch, but then several more bags of garbage alone the route further down the road. Maybe it’s time for the garbage department employees to open these bags of garbage and find some identification to whom these bags of litter belong to. If someone thought they were smart enough to get away with it, then perhaps their intelligence should be challenged and maybe they actually left an envelope or two with their name and address on it. Or to keep with positive thoughts, maybe someone was just being courteous to the many volunteers that walk the ditches rain or shine to clean up our local roads in the trash bash. I believe the signs state that charge for littering in PEC is up to $3000. Or maybe the individual if caught would like to volunteer their time (approx $3000 worth) and walk the roads during the trash bash. I bet after volunteering for a day they wouldn’t litter again, and would be sure that they “spread” the word as fast as they “spread” their garbage all over the county.