Draw the line to serve, not harm
Administrator | Aug 27, 2012 | Comments 2
Wind factories should not be near neighbourhoods. They should be built where they will not harm people or wildlife.
But instead of building wind factories in remote unpopulated areas, OPA contracts with developers to build them where the lines are, already paid for, by us! Community by community, infrastructure built with our monthly Hydro payments is used to industrialize rural neighbourhoods, enabled by the Green Energy Act!
On my Hydro bill, the charge for “Delivery” is always greater than the charge for electricity. We paid for those transmission lines and substations to serve our neighbourhoods, not to harm them.
Jim McPherson, Milford
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion
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Unfortunatley everything continues to rise except for our paychecks…. I know a lot of people who some months have to decide whether to pay the hydro or rent SAD. You can no longer make it on one paycheck and two only pays the bills, three and maybe you can get a little something extra….
If we keep going in the direction we are now, electricity will be too expensive for anyone to use, also for factories to br able to use
Stop the madness now