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DukeDome our gift to neighbour in need

Prince Edward County councillors Diane O’Brien and Keith MacDonald believe scratching someone else’s back should result in your own back getting scratched, as well.
In working toward an agreement with Belleville to allow users of the Memorial arena to take over use of Wellington’s DukeDome, O’Brien and MacDonald said the high cost of water for the residents of Rossmore and Fenwood Gardens being supplied by Belleville should also be discussed with a view to negotiating a lower rate for County residents.
Mayor Peter Mertens and others on council don’t disagree with the concept, they just feel you shouldn’t shake down a neighbour in need – especially at Christmas.
When O’Brien raised the issue at council last week, Mertens said he had it on his agenda to bring up at an upcoming meeting.
MacDonald wasn’t happy with that reply.
“I think you should talk to (Belleville Mayor Neil) Ellis before any agreement is signed about those water rates,” he noted.
Mertens assured him he planned to bring it up, but not necessarily before the agreement was signed for the use of the old Wellington arena.
Councillor Jim Dunlop agreed with Mertens. He said no other issue should be negotiated with a neighbour in need, putting it off to a more appropriate time.
Recreation, parks and culture commissioner Barry Braun explained a memorandum of understanding had been reached at a Dec. 14 meeting between the two municipalities and the DukeDome was to be operated by Belleville at no cost to the County. All issues and staffing of the facility were to be handled by Belleville, including canteens, etc. The only thing the County would supply was the vending machines already in the facility with that revenue coming back to the County.
MacDonald, still unsatisfied with the arrangement, said,”Mr. Mayor, you can be certain I will be asking at some later date how much those water rates were reduced.”
Council passed a motion to proceed with the agreement at Tuesday night’s meeting

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