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Economic development strategy includes community development

Prince Edward County Council is poised to adopt a strategy for community development that moves beyond economic development and beyond collaboration.
The public is invited to learn more about the proposed Community Development Strategy at town hall meetings:
Tuesday May 1st – Milford Town Hall, 7pm;
Wednesday, May 2nd – Wellington Town Hall, 2pm;
Wed. May 2nd –Demorestville Town Hall, 7pm
Thursday May 3rd – PECI – Picton 7pm
Monday May 7th – Ameliasburgh Town Hall, 7pm
“The strategy will see the creation of a Community Development Commission to incorporate and co-ordinate existing services delivered by partner organizations and the municipality,” said Debra Williams, of the County’s economic development office. “Its mandate will build on past economic successes and focus on retaining the County’s quality of life and place. The commission will be supported by a municipal Community Development Department, which will work
with all municipal departments to integrate services relating to economic and community development.”
Williams notes the new direction to community development involved months of consultation with more than 250 members of the community, partner organizations, councillors and County staff.
A council meeting March 20 featured presentations from the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, Prince Edward Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation, Point to Point PEC Foundation, Picton Business Improvement Association, TASTE the County, and members of the public.
“I am very pleased with this solution,” said Mayor Peter Mertens. “I congratulate council, staff and the community for working together with our eyes firmly fixed on the goal of future prosperity for residents and businesses in Prince Edward County.”
“Community development goes beyond what was originally referred to as economic development in that it encompasses a broader spectrum of services, all focused and aligned to provide maximum benefit to residents, businesses and investors,” said CAO Merlin Dewing. “This ushers in a new era of doing more with less by accessing and working collaboratively with the extensive resources and expertise within our community.”
The full report, including the Community Development Strategy, can be viewed by clicking here
Next steps involve council approval of a formal structure for the community commission and terms of reference, and council approval for the transition of the current Economic Development office to a Community Development Department, which will be accomplished through an organizational
The public is invited to make comment at the community meetings,  or by contacting Debra Williams directly at 613.476.2148, x343 or by emailing prior to the council meeting on May 8th, 2012.

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  1. SAB says:

    Again I say, why not give the contract of Economic Development back to would save the cost of staff and the cost of office space.

  2. Loretta says:

    Community Development instead of Economic Development – not just a name change as they seem to be focusing on creating “neighbourhoods”. And again, have missed the point of what we need for jobs in the County. Just a short while ago a big furor over the “Invest in Cheese” being cancelled and various individuals name calling the councillors, we find that Fifth Town is now in financial difficulty and quite likely to close completely as they have now stopped producing cheese.

    Meanwhile, without any apparent help from the Economic Development Office, the digital age is coming to the County (see ) The owner thinks the County could become the next “Silicon Valley” How did our consultants, experts and staff of EDO at Shitre Hall miss this?

  3. Dayton Johnson says:

    Oh, I don’t know, “Development office” to become “Development Department!! Hope I’m wrong but Sounds expensive. Even the door will have to be repainted!…more bodies looking for something to do on those slow days. More parking needed for more staff vehicles? Union wages and benefits? Ouch! Didn’t council just have a BUDGET debate to shave down expenses? Are there really savings to be had here or is it just moving the players?
    Sending out my email questions tomorrow.

  4. SAB says:

    @Brian: This is how it was for a number of years, until council decided once again we needed an Economic Development Office…CFDC &/or PELA had a contract to administer the needs of the county and it did seem to work really well

  5. SAB says:

    I don’t believe PELA has anything to do with the community economic development, except maybe answering questions the county employees don’t seem to know the answer to.

  6. Ray Hobson says:

    I have just now visited the PELA-CFDC website and the News is from 2009?????

  7. Brian Conway says:

    Great comment Doris. This Community Development angle sounds like a make-work project to provide paper generating tasks for more than one County staff member from the old Economic Development Dept.
    Let’s dump this bunko, release all County ED staff, so that Craig Desjardins and PELA-CFDC handle the whole economic development area for the County.

  8. Doris Lane says:

    This sounds like a waste of time and money. Let the County develop in its own time and in its own way. The winegrowers have done a great job with out any help. Organic gardeners like Vickies vegetables have made a great contribution to the county and many other enterprises have started without being led by a group of people who have no real knowledge of the county.

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