Making its way to Essroc
Administrator | Jan 04, 2014 | Comments 9
The ship makes its way into Picton through the ice of the Adolphus Reach and Picton Bay during this week’s extreme cold weather. It left Picton Saturday. A reprieve from the cold is expected to into some snowfall Sunday and freezing rain overnight. Paul Wallace photo
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funny! Mark L
Depending on the computer I’m on I guess. I am Mark! and Mark#1. Popular name!
More unusual is the fact we now have at least 3 perhaps 4 different Mark’s commenting on this story.
It is common for ships to have the company that owns them’s name on the side. A little less common now then it used to be I guess. Canada Steamship Lines comes to mind.
On the lighter side, if the name is not Essroc why does it have the name Essroc on it?
The two ships that regularly come in to Essroc are the Stephen B. Roman and the Metis.
Thanks Mark.
I was just going to say Stephen B Roman, but I see another Mark has done that!
The name of the ship is Stephen B. Roman. Ship names are found on the side of the bow (front) of ships. ESSROC is the cement company.