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Expect increased pressure as new water tower is connected in Wellington

The Wellington water tower was hoisted into place – 55m above ground level – in Dec. 2022. – Sharon Harrison photo

Better water pressure is on the way for all customers connected to the Wellington drinking water system (including the private system at Wellington on the Lake).

Beginning Monday, April 29, the increase of the water pressure will take place over two weeks as a result of connecting the new water tower on Belleville Street to the water distribution system.

The new water tower has been constructed at a higher elevation than the existing water tower on Oak Street.  At a cost of about $9 million, the tank is sized for current and future water demands, providing government recommended pressures and was funded in part by area-specific development charges.

The municipality reports the elevation of homes or other buildings within the village in relation to the tower will determine the final water pressure at each home or building. Service connections at the lowest elevations in the drinking water system will have the highest water pressure when commissioning is complete.

During the two-weeks, users can expect water pressure fluctuations. When it’s finished, customers can expect an increase in the water pressure and the water flow rate (volume) of water coming from their taps.

The new, increased water pressure is within the typical operating range for municipal drinking water systems in Ontario.

The municipality notes it is possible the water pressure increase could result in leaks or breaks in the municipal underground infrastructure. The municipality will have resources on standby to address repairs.

The increase in water pressure may also cause leaks or breaks in private plumbing in homes or buildings connected to the drinking water system. The municipality advises that private property owners closely monitor their plumbing during the commissioning period in ca. The condition of plumbing within a home or building is the private property owner’s responsibility.

People should direct concerns about the condition of their private plumbing to a licensed plumber.

People who experience a private plumbing emergency that cannot be isolated by closing the main shut-off valve located at the water meter can call the the municipality to shut off the water supply to the home or building at the property line. Call the emergency line at 613-967-8777.

The bulk water filling station located in Wellington will be out of service for the duration of the new water tower commissioning. Registered users are asked to use the bulk water filling stations located in Picton on Macsteven Drive during this time.

The existing water tower on Oak Street will be disconnected from the water distribution system once the new water tower process has been successfully completed. Future plans for the Oak Street water tower have not yet been determined.

For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613-476-2148 ext. 1023, 613-962-9108 ext. 1023, or

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