Fast and Furious… yep… 6th installment
Paul Peterson | May 30, 2013 | Comments 0
The thing about watching a Fast and Furious movie is you have to remember you’re watching a cartoon for almost grown ups. Or in some cases, never going to be grown ups. This is the 6th installment. Ya, I said it.
The remarkable thing is that this one looks like it’s going to be the biggest one yet. Unlike the Hangover, which is formulaic and lame, and they’re rounding third, FF6 proudly flaunts its limited math.
It’s not even a formula.
They take a lot of nice cars, some beautiful people, and put them in really nice locations, and then drive fast
The end.
A poem by me.
Seriously though, there’s not a lot more than that going on.
This time the boys and girl are trying to stop a terrorist plot. They’re working for Hobbs who needs their help because he has to stop a badn of mercenary ummm drivers.
Work with me.
The crew is interested because they get full pardons for their efforts if they succeed.
Oh myyyy.
And they’re off.
There’s a lot of rapport and on screen chemistry between the principles. Everyone’s back. Everyone – with a few surprises .
Maybe the best dynamics happen between Dom (Vin Deisel) and Brian (Paul Walker)
The former rivals now literally partnered in crime.
There’s still enough testosterone boiling to keep them on edge and really the best moments actually happen between Roam and Tey played respectively by Tyreese Gibson and Ludacris. They’re funny and a nice counterbalance to Diesel and Walker. They take themselves way too seriously. I sometimes wonder if Vin has some kind of a living disability. At first I thought it might be a learning disability but this is much much bigger than that.
So they frown a lot, mutter a few things here and there and go really, really fast.
I like that part.
The women are afterthoughts in this series although they are waiting around at the end and clearly the fellers care for them a lot. Some even drive.
So at the end of the day, it was fun.
I won’t tell you how it ends but at the end there’s a teaser for FF7.
There’s a new bad guy in town and its going to take every hp they have to stop them.
I didn’t hate this movie.
It was kind of fun.
It just reminds me of Team America where they needed some serious actors to save the world from terror.
This isn’t that far and I’m pretty sure that was satire.
Still, I’ll play 7 and every other one after that but then I have no shame. You all can do better.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong. That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here Paul
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else • Paul Peterson
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