Federal funds to help connect people and nature at Prince Edward Point
Administrator | Nov 15, 2014 | Comments 6
The federal government will invest $8 million over five years in 10 national wildlife areas across the nation – including the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area on the south shore of the County.
Daryl Kramp, MP Prince Edward-Hastings announced the funding which is to “help residents and visitors connect with nature” through capital or education improvements.
“Improvements to Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area will enhance public access while protecting this area’s unique natural heritage,” said Kramp.
Kramp told members the Prince Edward Naturalists, birders, and others attending the announcement they should “present a concentrated, collective group approach to a proposal” suggesting it would likely be more successful than a lot of smaller projects. He promised to help guide applications through.
“It seems like a lot of money, but when you break it down over the 10 projects, it’s not as much. Building a boardwalk, as an example, could cost around $300,000. So it would be good to think everything over.”
The government of Canada will invest $8 million over five years and $725,000 on an ongoing basis in the 10 national wildlife areas across Canada selected as suitable for increased public access.
Funding must focus on connecting Canadians to nature by: improving basic infrastructure to make sites more accessible; creating new or expanded trails and viewing platforms; providing on-site programs delivered through collaborative partnerships; and supporting a variety of low-impact public uses, such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, snowshoeing, or wildlife observation and photography.
Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area is located about 20 km southeast of Picton along the northeast shore of Lake Ontario. The geographic location and diversity of habitats causes a spectacular number of migratory songbirds to the designated Important Bird Area at the tip of the peninsula.
“National Wildlife Areas are owned by the federal government and are an effective tool for promoting biodiversity and protecting habitat for species at risk,” noted the press release.
More than 300 species of birds have been recorded on Prince Edward Point including songbirds, waterfowl, owls and hawks. There is no other location on the Canadian side of Lake Ontario where birds are known to occur in such high densities during migration. Approximately 23 federally-listed species at risk have been recorded within the natural wildlife area, including the Whip-poor-will and Red-headed Woodpecker. The area provides respite during migration and is also a breeding habitat.
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This is not about native rights to hunt.
It’s about: something here that’s oxymoronic, between the Feds and Prov.
Who stands to gain, to profit?
Good news, now more wildlife for our friends the Mohawk of Quinte to hunt. Once an area with numerous deer before it became a game reserve now when did anyone see deer in this area. They are so few that the indians do not bother to come over to hunt any more. But the interesting thing about all this. The strip of land between the two game reserves is owned by,you guessed it a Mohawk that for some reason is allowed to hunt on this game reserve because he is a Mohawk and no one would stop them from huning here in the past when residents complained. Our hard earned tax dollars hard at work
This is definitely about buying votes!
But, it might also help the Field Naturalists in their fight to keep wind farms from going up in that area.
A bit of a ‘pickel’ for sure.
One of the last remaining untouched areas of The County this could be its demise into a garbage strewn tourist attraction…
You are right. The Harper government could care less about fisherman or the environment. This is your own tax dollars buying back your vote!
I hope no one forgets what the federal government did to the fishermen at Prince Edward Point or better know as “Long Point”!!!