Beach Street, Wellington Beach and County Road 12 re-opened
Administrator | Jun 19, 2019 | Comments 0
Beach Street and Wellington Beach have reopened to the public. The bulk water hauling station on Beach Street is now accessible as well.
The boat launch at Wellington Beach remains closed.
County Road 12 between Hyatt Lane and the Woodland camping area was reopened to traffic Wednesday.
The section of road was closed to all except area residents on June 3 due to shoreline erosion caused by high water levels and strong winds.

The Saugren Marsh overflowing onto County Road 28 earlier this week, and water is still rising. This section is just west of Fenwood Gardens. John Ferguson photo
Flooded section of County Road 28 makes it third road closed
JUNE 14 – Following council’s support last night of Mayor Steve Ferguson’s resolution to seek federal and provincial government investigation of flooding and evaluate the International Joint Commission Plan 2014 designed to regulate water and protect against extreme water levels, a portion of County Road 28 became the third road to have a closed sign posted.
Due to water over the roadway, County Road 28 has been closed between Highway 62 and Weatherhead Road. Traffic can detour around the closure via Fenwood Crescent. Signs are in place to direct traffic.
Several communities on both sides of the border are seeking answers as they question the effectiveness of managing water levels. Plan 2014 was put in place three years ago and two out of those three years brought severe flooding and damage and has since drawn criticism as water levels rise.
At council’s meeting last night the mayor said he is receiving daily calls from constituents about their current circumstances and feels it’s council’s responsibility to County residents to request the inquiry into 2017 and 2019 flooding.
That morning, he said a woman who was effectively trapped in her house, had to have the fire department called to extract her because at 80 years old she was not only surrounded by water, but was panicking.
“Yesterday I learned about water snakes just floating up to people’s kitchen doors because the water’s so high.”
He spoke of the effects of shoreline damage on County Road 12 shows approximately four feet of one side lost to the lake and noted shoreline damage to the circumference of County with many people inconvenienced, and insecure.
Beach Street in Wellington, the boat launch and bulk water hauling station is also closed as is a portion of County Road 12 though it is open to local traffic.
“The intent is to ask for the inquiry, so if adjustments can be made to mitigate or minimize something happening in the future,” said Ferguson.
Councillor John Hirsch also told council he has spoken with several residents whose properties were damaged in the 2017 floods, and following improvements using stone at costs of $20-30,000, are now watching it all wash back into the lake. Others are wearing hip waders to get from their parking spot to their home.
Mayor Ferguson said New York State has declared ‘states of emergency’ in eight counties. Brighton has put forward a resolution and neighbouring municipalities are also considering a resolution.
Rain and strong wind is expected to continue over the weekend into Monday.
Quinte Conservation reports the average Lake Ontario water level was recorded at 75.91 meters and has remained relatively stable over the past seven days. This level is three cm above the 2017 peak and one cm below the highest 2019 water level.
Lake Ontario will remain near seasonal highs for several weeks but levels are expected to slowly decline into the summer. Boaters are advised to be cautious of floating debris and should reduce speeds and wakes along shorelines to reduce the localized flooding and erosion.
Lake Erie remains 10 cm above the record high for this time of the year. Lake Saint-Louis on the St. Lawrence River is at a record high for this time of year.
Outflows from Lake Ontario were increased yesterday to 10,400 cubic metres per second. This is equivalent to the record high outflows recorded in 2017.
It is important not to wade through or play in flood water as it can be contaminated with septic or have hazardous debris.

The boat launch and docks at Wellington harbour remain closed and under water as water levels continue to rise. Sharon Harrison photo
Sand and sandbags are located at:
Waupoos Community Centre, 2699 County Road 8 in North Marysburgh
South Marysburgh Fire Hall, 3076 County Road 10
Hiscock Shores Road cul-de-sac in Ameliasburgh
Sunrise Drive cul-de-sac in Ameliasburgh
35 County Road 14 in Sophiasburgh
15 Coleman Street in Ameliasburgh
75 County Road 1 in Hallowell (Sandy Hook Dome)
Wellington and District Community Centre, 111 Belleville Street in Wellington
Mariners’ Park Museum (Intersection of County Road 10 and County Road 13)
21651 Loyalist Parkway in Carrying Place
Consecon Fire Station (14 County Road 29)
Bay Bridge Jeans parking lot (5567 Highway 62)
Filed Under: Local News
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