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Four heritage properties recommended for designation

At its meeting  Dec. 16, the Heritage Advisory Committee has recommended four designations of properties deemed to be of cultural heritage value. They include the Bloomfield Town Hall, 289 Main St.; the Athol Township Hall, 1685 Cty Rd. 10;
the Moses Hudgins Log House located at 191 Ostrander Point Road, and the property known as the Royal Street Cheese Factory located at 1112 Royal Road.

45 Main St. Bloomfield
Lot 55 Village of Bloomfield, South of Main St.
(lot 50 on Simpson’s Plan)
Owner: Corporation of the County of Prince Edward

The building has design value because:
Built of brick in 1869, the gable-ended structure has a stone foundation. The segmental-arched six-over-six windows are typical of the period. Also significant are the sidelights and arched transom around the door. Beldon’s Atlas states that the Town Hall was built by John Thompsett who became Bailiff of the Court. The interior originally took a school form with pews on both sides and a 1-step stage at the front, hence the central door.

The building has contextual value because:
The Town Hall reflects the emerging prosperity of the village. On the main street, it reflects the social and political pride of a town moving away from settlement to a more robust economic era.

Brick construction over a stone foundation
Gable end facing Main St.
Segmental arched six-over-six windows
Sidelights and arched transom
Placement of central door and windows

County Road 10  Cherry Valley
Lot2, Concession 1, South Side East Lake
Owner: Corporation of the County of Prince Edward

This building has design value because:
The Town Hall has eight-over-eight windows and Flemish bond construction. The gable end faces the main road. The original central door was bricked-in during renovations in 1947. It is still flanked by one window to either side. Originally there were 8 windows, three to each side and two overlooking the road. The interior had benches to either side and a one-step stage at the end (similar to the Bloomfield Town Hall) reasoning the siting of the central door.

This building has associative value because:
The Town Hall was built in 1870 by cook and Lyons. It faces the main road in the village and is close proximity to the church. Its position shows its importance to the social and political development of Cherry Valley and the surrounding countryside.

Gable end facing the main street
Eight-over-eight windows
Flemish bond construction
Central door with a window to each side in the gable end
Placement of door and windows

Ostrander Point Road RR1 Milford  K0K 2P0
Lot 4 Concession West of Long Point
Owners: Benjamin & Lillian Rose

This property has design value because:
It is of unusually late (c1865) log design comprising one and a half stories.  It therefore remains a rarity in Prince Edward County, especially considering frame construction was common by this date. Built in an area where cedar trees were cut for shingles, the square logs are cedar, an unusual material for log houses. The lap joints are hewn to 5” rather than the typical 8”. The chimney design is consistent to a pre-1870 design. The steep roof is a County feature.

This property has contextual value because:
Beldon’s Atlas (1878) shows the log house on its original 100 acres which ended at the lake allowing Moses to fish and sail as well as farm. These were the usual economic realities of the day for an area of unfertile land. The house still sits in its original location close to and facing Ostrander Point Rd.

Original location facing Ostrander Point Rd.
Size & form
Unusually late cedar log construction
Unusual five-inch lap joints
Chimney of County form prior to 1870
Steep-pitched roof, a County form
6-over-6 windows

1106 Royal Rd., RR1 Milford  K0K 2P0
Owners: Gerry & Leah Spinosa


This building has historical and associative value because:
It was built in c.1875 by Isaac Striker, one of South Marysburgh’s pioneer cheesemakers. It replaces an earlier burned cheese factory. The Royal Street Cheese Factory represents the gradual transition away from grain production to dairy farming. Isaac’s son Walter took over the farm & cheese factory in 1889 on Isaac’s death. In 1901 Walter sold the factory to George McConnell, a cheesemaker with experience at the Royal Crescent factory which existed further to the east. Production ceased in 1956.

This building has contextual value because:
Facing Royal Street (Road), the cheese factory is part of the evolution of 19th century farming practices in South Marysburgh. It is a major building of the complex of 1842 house, small and later large barns and a later house built for Mr McConnell. Maintaining its original form, the cheese factory is still used for agricultural purposes (viticulture).

Cultural Heritage Attributes:
Large size: footprint &height
Steeply pitched roof
Projecting canopy (to protect the delivery of milk)
Orientation toward Royal Street (Rd.)

Filed Under: Local News


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  1. Richard Parks says:

    I couldn’t disagree more. It was built by an U.E.L. descendant 135 yrs ago. It represents a (then) new agricultural endevour ( dairy farming) and a new commercial
    business (cheese making).It was a Commercial style building in a farmstead setting,and the overhang was a
    feature of later built canning factories and grist mills.
    Dairy Farming is still a very important part of Prince Edward County’s economic engine, and it all started with
    cheese factories in the last half of the 19th century.

  2. Killashandra Ree says:

    You have go to be kidding me!

    That was my first reaction when seeing the photo and reading the accompanying text. Are we scraping the proverbial barrel or what? Surely there are other buildings that are much more worthy of a heritage designation in the County.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot see anything about this old building that makes it worthy of heritage status. It has no apparent architectural value other than it is still standing. The “heritage” attributes listed, make no sense to me either …

    It is fairly large [1] surely there are larger buildings, it has a steep roof [2] not the original one, and it has a projected canopy [3] fancy talk for a “lean to shed” on the side and it sits on the property facing the road [4] whoppee!.

    The only heritage value seems to be that it is part of a complex of farm buildings and residences built in the late 19th century, so maybe the whole complex is worthy of designation, certainly not this lone structure.

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