Glenora/Adolphustown ferry out of service this week
Administrator | Mar 19, 2023 | Comments 5
The Glenora / Adolphustown ferry is out of service for scheduled repairs to the ferry docks March 20 – 25 as repairs continue to ferry docks.
This is the second outage week this month. The Ministry of Transportation informed the municipality of the extended service disruptions for Monday, March 6 to March 11 as well as Monday, March 20 at 5 am until Saturday, March 25 at 2 am
The service disruptions are a result of scheduled repairs to the ferry docks.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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I personally take it twice a day and have for 8 years. Minor inconvenience for sure as it does add 60 extra kilometers every day. But, I am not going to stress out as the people they have given lots of notice. And as it has been said, rather now than in the summer.
Maintenance is mandatory. Rather it be done now rather then the midst of summer.
They cross water, they do not walk on it. Repairs are needed so take the bridge. It is a temporary inconvenience at worst.
It is always single ferry service in the winter. Seems that maybe there may have been one ferry only for a time due to covid. Personally, I would rather have the dock repaired than let it deteriorate to the point of being unusable. The ferry is a convenience, but it is not a necessity. So no push back from me.
A year of single ferry service and now extended periods of no service. It’s going from bad to worse yet you hear no push back!?