Glenwood Cemetery shines on walking tour, first Veteran’s Day event
Administrator | Sep 20, 2011 | Comments 1
Members of Prince Edward Lodge No. 18 A.F. and A.M. lead a walking tour of Picton’s historic Glenwood Cemetery Sunday as part of their 200th anniversary celebrations. Tour leader was Gary Foster, sales manager of Campbell Monument and a Past Master of Lake Lodge, Ameliasburgh. Special guest was vocalist Lorain Sine. The history of the local Lodge is closely linked with Glenwood. When the cemetery’s stone chapel was constructed in 1901, Masons donated a large stained glass window in memory of their departed brethren. Many Masons are buried within Glenwood’s gates, among them William Smeaton, who was believed to be the oldest living Past Master of any Canadian Lodge. At the time of his death in 1937, he was 100 years old. Alan R. Capon photo
Glenwood Cemetery, in partnership with Branch 78 Royal Canadian Legion and Prince Edward County’s 415 Wing Air Force Association of Canada hosted the first Veteran’s Day at Glenwood Saturday, Sept. 17.
Canadian flags and poppies were provided to all who wished to decorate the individual graves of veterans.
Representing 8 Wing Trenton was Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Harris, Wing Administration Officer, accompanied by Chief Warrant Officer Fillion as the Acting Wing Chief Warrant Officer. Dignitaries included Daryl Kramp MP Prince Edward Hastings, Leona Dumbrowsky MPP Prince Edward Hastings and the Peter Mertens, PEC Mayor. Sandra Latchford, President of Glenwood Cemetery Co. was the emcee with Stan Whitehouse, padre Branch 78 and 415 Wing conducting the Ceremony. Also participating were 415 Prince Edward Wing, Legion Branch 78 and 851 Prince Edward Air Cadet Squadron. – Peggy deWitt photos
Also participating were: parade Marshall MWO C.E. Tripple CD2 (Ret); Bugler Capt. Kelly Dixon, Commanding Officer of 608 RC (Air) CS; Piper Peter Hill; vocalist Lorain Sine and drummers Julie Miller and Debbie Rankin of Branch 78, Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band.
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
What a beautiful Ceremony in a Perfect Setting to honour all our Veterans.
To those who could not make it this year,a definate Circle Calender event for 2012.
Thanks to all the Staff at Glenwood for a job well done and especially to all who did attend this fantastic ceremony.