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Funds needed at Loyalist Humane to help with urgent care bills

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A Sheltered Life – photographs, and stories, as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. File photographs by Alan R. Capon.

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)


All of the cats at the shelter signed Magnolia's cast before she was re-admitted to hospital owing to complications. - Gilles Robert photo.

All of the cats at the shelter signed Magnolia’s cast before she was re-admitted to hospital owing to complications. – Gilles Robert photo.

Hello everyone!

I have some late-breaking news that cannot wait until my next blog. We need your help! Recently, a buff-coloured cat named Magnolia was brought to our shelter by Ray Harding who lives at RR1, Bloomfield. He had found her lying in his flowerbed, with a badly injured hind leg – hence the name Magnolia.

She had a long laceration on her leg, so Mrs. Moffatt immediately took her to the veterinary clinic. As the cut was being sutured, it was discovered that Magnolia’s leg was broken. A cast was put on it and she came back to our shelter to recuperate. Unfortunately her recovery was complicated by a persistent fever and loss of appetite. It became necessary for her to return to the vet clinic where she was hospitalized for treatment with IV fluids and antibiotics. While she was in care, her cast was removed. More bad news followed.

There had been nerve damage to Magnolia’s foot and it was “rotten”. Amputation was the only choice. Last week, surgery was performed and the patient is now recovering in hospital. Mrs. M. reports that she is purring and eating well. It is expected that she will make a full recovery. Three-legged cats manage very well and Magnolia is likely to be no exception. She is not yet a year old and should adjust readily.

Now to the bottom line. Magnolia’s hospitalization and surgery have put a strain on our budget. She is a special cat and owing to her young age everyone at the shelter agreed that she should be given a chance at life. We are now seeking public donations to help with the cost of her medical expenses. All contributions regardless of the amount will be sincerely appreciated. Receipts are available on request. Donations may be mailed to the Loyalist Humane Society, Box 6108, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 or dropped off at the shelter at 1297 County Road 4. Please mark your contribution “Magnolia”.

Look for updates on our “Flower Child” in the Torte Report which will be coming to you in my next blog.

Until then,

Good Samaritan had eight kittens then six more arrived!


SEPT. 25 – Happy Autumn, Everyone!

Liza, official spokescat for the Loyalist Humane Society,  a cat nap. To ensure peace and quiet she has posted a sign reading "Please do not start dryer".

Liza, official spokescat for the Loyalist Humane Society, takes a cat nap. To ensure peace and quiet she has posted a sign reading “Please do not start dryer”.

It’s Liza, here, reporting from The Laundry Room, the happening spot at the Loyalist Humane Society. With a hint of fall in the air, our shelter is buzzing with activity. Everyone is very excited about our new barn quilt painted by LHS volunteer Dolores Wallace. It’s “spec-catular”. Dolores incorporated our shelter logo and the quilt is now mounted on the end of our office building. We are very proud of it. Rumour has it that another quilt soon may be in the works for the Main House.

There is also excitement about our upcoming Tag Day (date to be announced) and Lorain Sine’s annual Christmas benefit concert for the LHS. Many good things are happening here, but, unfortunately, I also have sad news to report.



Recently we said goodbye to Flambe, the beautiful little calico cat who so enjoyed her McDonald’s Junior Cheeseburgers. Flambe was a senior cat when she came into care here and had begun to lose weight. When Mrs. Moffatt accidentally discovered that she had a weakness for McDonald’s cheeseburgers they became a daily treat. At our Katnip Tea this spring, Flambe made a guest appearance with her Hamburger Helper jar and collected $88 in donations to subsidize her fast food treats. All of us miss this wonderful little cat and will always remember her.

The residents of our shelter are also very sad about the loss of one of our favourite volunteers, Monica Pilchak. Monica worked at the Main House for about three years. In commenting on her departure (she recently moved to Newcastle), Mrs. Moffatt said, “She was amazing. She immersed herself totally in the cats and did a good job. She knew them all by name.” We all miss Monica very much for she always stopped for a visit at The Laundry Room whenever she came to our shelter. We wish her well in her new home and hope that she will visit us from time to time.

Carrie Sue warming the bench

Carrie Sue warming the bench

Colt models a handsome fur coat in autumn shades

Colt models a handsome fur coat in autumn shades

Tulip sports a fun fur

Tulip sports a fun fur

A picture in black and white

A picture in black and white

The Morning After Madame R

The Morning After Madame R

This is Luigi. Where's Mario?

This is Luigi. Where’s Mario?

Wasn't That A Party?

Wasn’t That A Party?

The Torte Report



Goodness me, it’s been an exciting summer. North of Seven, a kind-hearted woman spotted a stray white cat with eight kittens in tow. She knew this little family needed helped, so she rescued the entire brood and brought it home with her. A few days later, the mother cat gave birth to six kittens. Obviously, she had not been the mother of the original eight youngsters, but her maternal instincts had prompted her to look out for them since their real mom was nowhere to be found.

By now, the Good Samaritan was a little panicky. First she had eight kittens, then six more arrived. Who knew what could happen next? She called Mrs. Moffatt, who took the white cat and her new family of six. The eight kittens remained with their rescuer who has since found homes for all of them. Sadly, the white cat developed serious health problems and died. A surrogate mom was found and her kittens survived.

There are still a number of kittens at our shelter awaiting adoption. Why not come and see them? One of them might follow you home.

Hardee the orphan kitten hits the bottle with a little help from Mrs. Moffatt

Hardee the orphan kitten hits the bottle with a little help from Mrs. Moffatt

For those of you interested in my progess with the Dump the Plump diet, I am proud to report I have lost a few ounces. Saylor is holding steady, with no weight loss to report.

LuigiIf you have room in your heart for a special needs cat we have just the puss for you. His real name is Luigi but a few of us in The Laundry Room have nicknamed him Mr. Staggerstumbles. He certainly has a rolling gait but is otherwise healthy and very pretty, too. Lurch (I mean Luigi) would be the ideal pet for a senior citizen.

News Flashes From Franco



Hi, Ya,
No good news at my end. My safari business has gone belly up. I has these dizzy spells that makes it hard for me ta hunt sometimes. I bagged two garter snakes this summer and that was it. My lad Big Boy was supposed ta help me but he’s bin poorly too. I hadta put in for disability and I is now gettin’ a pension. I’m tryin’ ta sell my business ta Houdini and Benson, two dudes with outdoor privileges. They is hopin’ to raise the cash ta buy me out but it’s tough ta come up with ten smackeroos these days. Benson never did have much zip in his pants so I suspects it’s up ta Houdinin ta get the cash. Says he has an aunt in Bloomfield who’s loaded so she might stake him ta start-up money. Made her loot runnin’ an escort service he says.

Nothin’ more ta report. Am hopin’ ta bag a field mouse or two in time for Thanksgivin’.


Is he for real?

Is he for real?

From the Desk of Liza
I have some wonderful news to share. There are plans in progress to plant a memory garden at the corner of The Laundry Room. There is a shaded area there where hostas and a few other perennials would do well. This little green space would be planted in memory of all of our residents who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Add a bird bath and a bench and it will be a delightful spot for quiet reflection. Any shelter cats interested in volunteering for a digging party are asked to submit their names to Mrs. Moffatt.

-Until next time,

* * *
Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

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