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Groundhog day ‘snowmageddon’

We created this photo to represent the Groundhog Day ‘snowmageddon’. on Feb. 2, 2011 so we’re bringing it out again today. The giant groundhog invading downtown Picton has gone back into his burrow to await an early spring.

From zero to too much snow in under 12 hours, Environment Canada warns snow squalls with near zero visibility continue today. Environment Canada says snowfall amounts will be highly variable, with another 15cm possible in areas where the squalls are persistent. Motorists are reminded driving will be hazardous due to poor and fluctuating visibilities caused by heavy snow and blowing snow, along with rapid snow accumulation on untreated roads.

Furry forecaster Wiarton Willie doesn’t see shadow in Wiarton and calls for an early spring. The US’s Punxsutawney Phil agrees.
Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam scared by shadow – six more weeks of winter.

Folklore says if a groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day it’ll flee back to its burrow, heralding six more weeks of winter, and if there’s no shadow, it means spring’s just around the corner.

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  1. Well, there you go! There is an advantage to having lived on Big Island for 68 years!

  2. Doris Lane says:

    OK Terry you live in God’s country. Lucky you and take care and all the best to you and yours on Groundhog day.

  3. Marnie says:

    If the snow falls on the just and the unjust you sure must have done something right.

  4. Snow? What snow? Just a dusting so far on the north shore of the County as of 4:20 p.m. We got 3 or 4 cm between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m., and only some mist since.

  5. Administrator says:

    Yep. Changed that to ANOTHER 15cms! And it’s still coming down fast and furious near the Sandbanks at 3:30p.m.

  6. Kim Leonard says:

    30 cm and counting is right. Just cleaned the driveway and will have to start again in
    Cherry Valley!

  7. Mark says:

    So Environment Canada calls for up to 15 cm. Well Picton is past 30 cm now and still climbing. Kevin Williams meterologist out of Rochester was predicting this over Environment Canada for 2 days. He is usually on the money for County weather. And he also thinks global warming is a crock!

  8. Valerie Hounsell says:

    Excellent coverage, but disappointing news for this sun worshipper in Bath ON who was looking forward to opening the pool early this year 🙂

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