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Groups sing ‘Harperman’ song in Picton

Harperman-in-PictonThe ‘Harperman’ song was sung across the nation in dozens of locations Thursday – including Picton.

The song was written by Tony Turner an Environment Canada employee who is under investigation for violating a code of ethics that public servants must be impartial and non-partisan. He posted a video performance of his song which criticizes Conservative Leader Stephen Harper’s work and urges people to vote for another party on the Oct. 19 federal election day.

About 30 people gathered outside the Armoury Mall in Picton for the sing-along.

Members of the new Bay of Quinte Council of Canadians and Fair Vote Bay of Quinte joined in. They are calling on parties to work toward “a fair and democratic voting system”.

Fair Vote Canada asked candidates in every riding in Canada, including candidates in Bay of Quinte whether they support a more proportional voting system, whether they would advocate for it, and whether they would vote for it. Candidate responses in every riding are to be published on on Tuesday.

“Our current First Past the Post voting system guarantees that our election results misrepresent the will of the people,” said Rob Williams, Bay of Quinte Fair Vote volunteer. “In every election roughly half of all votes are wasted. They don’t count because a vote for anyone other than the local riding winner, will make no difference to the national election results… This is very worrying. The people should control who governs them but our current First Past the Post voting system is an obstacle that favours the reverse.”

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Jac d'Amboise says:

    Well County Resident: This is noteworthy because most Canadians do not want a
    neo-Fascist Government, which is what the “Harper Government ” is. Under Harper there would eventually be no unions. Bill C-51 is the clincher for me, not unlike those dictates that made of everyone a terrorist under the Nazis if one did not agree with Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini. Harper’s Canada is not my Canada, nor should it be yours. That is what this song is about.

  2. kelsey says:

    This is very newsworthy! harper is he most corrupt politician in Canadian history. If he wins it will be by fraud again. Who would vote for someone who says “You won’t recognize Canada when I’m through with it” P.M. – Stephen Harper

  3. Paul Cole says:

    I suppose this is the news worthy part “The song was written by Tony Turner an Environment Canada employee who is under investigation for violating a code of ethics that public servants must be impartial and non-partisan. He posted a video performance of his song which criticizes Conservative Leader Stephen Harper’s work and urges people to vote for another party on the Oct. 19 federal election day.” Where the Harper Con’s try to muzzle everyone… Personally I love the song and would sing it to my Grandkids if I had some….

  4. Chuck says:

    Any song that would assist with the removal of Harper has got to be a hit.

  5. County Resident says:

    This is newsworthy, why? Just a bunch of tiresome, public sector unionized luvvies, whose knickers are in a twist because Bill C-377 would shine a light on their organizations’ undemocratic, taxpayer-funded intermeddling.

  6. jim mcmillan says:

    Good to see John A involved.

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