Hickey named Volunteer of Year
Debbie MacDonald Moynes | Jul 05, 2010 | Comments 0
I thought I was here to do the dishes!
Liz Hickey was recognized as Prince Edward Community Care’s volunteer of the year for 2009-2010 at the Annual General Meeting held June 24th.
Presenting the award was co-ordinator Debbie Manlow who recalled saying thanks to a volunteer who replied with “I really enjoy it; sometimes I think I get more from doing this than anyone else.”
That comment came from this year’s Volunteer of the Year; Liz Hickey. Elizabeth Hickey has been volunteering with Community Care since 2006 and she is the personification of volunteering at its very best. Liz is a valuable friendly visitor and telephone reassurance volunteer. Staff look forward to experiencing her wit and humour when she stops by the office on her way to fulfill her role as Foot Care receptionist at the Wellington clinic or to pick up the Meals on Wheels file on her way to assist the caterer. Her zest for life makes her a natural Wii bowling volunteer. She fits right in with the exuberant players. Liz also volunteers at Seniors Luncheon Socials, the Thrift Shop and arranges the volunteers in Wellington for Tag Day.
Liz is outgoing, friendly, engaging and she connects with those she meets. Before moving to The County she volunteered at a library and engaged in a multitude of programs involving children. When living on Manitoulin Island she was the person the Wild Life Officers brought the orphaned fawns to and she eventually became a Licensed Game Reserve Keeper.
Debbie Manlow concluded her remarks with “Liz, we’re glad that you chose our agency as a place to share your talents, and your energy and we truly hope the experience is as rich for you as it for those on the receiving end. It is my honour, on behalf of Community Care to present you with the Volunteer of the Year award.”
Surprised and almost speechless, Liz said “I thought I was here to wash the dishes! I truly believe that I get more from volunteering than I put into it. Thank you for this recognition.”
A plaque was presented to Liz Hickey and her name is inscribed on the large wall plaque that hangs proudly in the Community Care office.
Prince Edward Community Care for Seniors has been supporting seniors to live independently at home for over 30 years. New volunteers are always welcome. Services help seniors live at home. The agency is partly funded by the Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care through the South East Local Health Integration Network and supported by donations and community fundraising efforts.
We have many truly wonderful volunteers and each year we have the hard choice of selecting only one to receive this award.
For more information call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493 or www.communitycareforseniors.org
Filed Under: cheers
About the Author: Debbie Moynes is Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Executive Director. Community Care is a not-for-profit agency helping Prince Edward County seniors live at home. Programs include help with income tax and other forms, walking program, monthly dinners, transportation to medical appointments, security checks, home maintenance, foot-care clinics and Meals on Wheels. These services are provided with the assistance of more than 450 volunteers.