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Hospital foundation launches Legacy Society

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The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation has launched a Legacy Society for planned giving.

The PEC Cornerstone Legacy Society will recognize and thank individuals and families who have included the PECMH Foundation in their estate planning through a bequest, life insurance gift or other planned gift.

Marion Smith, first charter member.

Marion Smith, first charter member.

Marion Smith, a hospital auxiliary volunteer for more than 33 years has stepped forward to become the society’s first charter member.

At 92, Smith actively volunteers at the Second Time Around Shop and champions for the hospital to remain vibrant and viable.

“First of all, wherever we reside, we have to have a hospital, especially in Prince Edward County,” says Smith. “I truly believe our entire community benefits when we have a strong hospital. We should do everything we can to give back to our community now and into the future. What better way to help your fellow man than to leave a legacy to the foundation? In our lifetime, we will all use the hospital.”

“Legacy Society members are among the foundation’s most valued supporters and will receive acknowledgements of their affiliation at a reception to be held at the Waring House in June,” said Hazel Lloyst, interim director of development for the PECMH Foundation.

“When you become a member of the PEC Cornerstone Legacy Society you ensure that your commitment to advancing health care for the residents of Prince Edward County becomes part of your personal legacy. Your membership in the Legacy Society will help you fulfill your philanthropic goals while also providing tax benefits for you and your family,” said Lloyst.

Even before the Society’s inception, many estate gifts have been received by the hospital, the first being from the Estate of Sarah Minetta Walt in 1914. She bequeathed $2,000 toward the cost of a hospital, stating construction had to start before 1918, and it did. An aged and heavily bronzed plaque in the entrance to the current hospital bears the name of some 19 bequests received in earlier times and estate gifts continue to this day.

“The funds received from estate gifts form the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts and we are extremely grateful for this tremendous support,” said Lloyst. “We have put this Society in place to express our sincere appreciation to our supporters while they are still living. It also provides us with an opportunity to meet with our future benefactors. Through donors self-identifying and coming forward with their intention to leave a gift to the foundation in their will, it helps us to provide them with assurance and peace of mind that their gift will be used as they intended and to the benefit of Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital.”

Charter Members of the PEC Cornerstone Legacy Society are those who indicate before June 12 that they have left a bequest to the PECMH Foundation. Members will be kept informed of all hospital events as well as future plans for PECMH. At the reception in June, charter members will be thanked and presented with a specially designed lapel pin, signifying their forethought and generosity.  Also, with permission, the name of each charter member will be entered onto the Foundation’s Honour Roll displayed at the donor wall. Members will also be invited to an annual recognition event.

There are no annual dues or obligations to becoming a member. Those wishing further information on the PEC Cornerstone Legacy Society are encouraged to contact Hazel Lloyst by calling 613-476-1008 ext. 4503.

Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else

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