House tours fund first Save the Day grant
Administrator | Apr 26, 2015 | Comments 0

House Tour Organizing Committee. Back Row: Stephanie Lynn, Libby Crombie, Jackie Soorsma. Front Row: Marilyn Lauer, Marilyn Kennedy and Carolyn Clarke.
After five years of successful Christmas House Tours in the County, the Built Heritage Fund, administered by the County Community Foundation, is preparing to award its first ‘Save-The-Day’ grant.
The house tour organizing committee, consisting of Libby Crombie, Stephanie Lynn, Marilyn Kennedy, Jackie Soorsma, Carolyn Clarke, and Marilyn Lauer, are delighted the proceeds will be going back to the community. The deadline for applications is June 15th, and further details including eligibility of project and of applicant can be found at
In August 2010, the demolition of the 135-year-old Methodist Episcopal Church, an iconic landmark on Main Street, Picton, brought a few concerned citizens together to discuss how important historic structures in the County could be saved.
The realization that without intervention there was the distinct possibility that many of these buildings could be lost. Thus the first Christmas House Tour Committee was formed and the first Christmas House Tour was held in December 2010. The reputation and success of the annual tour grows every year, with proceeds mounting in a fund designated for the preservation and protection of built structures determined to be important to the community and the history of Prince Edward County.
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