How to give $10,000 to a County charity in under an hour
Sue Capon | Jun 28, 2017 | Comments 0

Founders of 100 People Who Care PEC are David Fox, Mark Davis, Mary Stever, Judy Fraser and Richard Byers.
Wanted: 100 people who care.
Five County residents have pitched a proven plan to pass along a minimum donation of $10,000 to Prince Edward County charities, or not-for-profit organizations, in under an hour.
No executives or committees, and no fundraisers. Members meet. They network. They vote. They donate. The premise of 100 People Who Care PEC is to effect immediate change.
Four times a year, each member of the group brings (or sends) a $100 cheque to a meeting and, if they wish, the name of a worthy charity. Following a short time for networking, three candidate charity names will be drawn from a hat. The people who put forth the names drawn may speak briefly to the work of their charity of choice if they wish. From there, a vote will name the winner of that meeting’s $10,000 (or more, as membership grows).
“The only thing we must agree on is that no one ever grumbles about the charity chosen and everyone gets their cheque to the meeting whether they show up, or not,” said Mark Davis, a County realtor who, with Retired Judge Richard Byers, decided to bring a version of the successful Quinte organizations to the County.
Davis and Byers have been members of 100 Men Who Care Quinte, but due to the large coverage area of the group, a County charity has yet to receive a windfall. Belleville-based 100 Men Who Care Quinte and 100+ Women Who Care Quinte have passed along almost $200,000 over the past few years to various charities throughout the area from Brighton to Napanee and North Hastings to the County.
“Richard and I had chatted more than once about how it could possibly be a long time before a County charity name was drawn, then supported,” said Davis. “We thought we could simplify this idea and bring a more hometown atmosphere to it here in the County.”
With almost 50 people expressing interest at an information meeting Tuesday night at the Waring House, the idea of a County-only group is taking root and the search is on for members to join 100 People Who Care PEC.
“What a game-changer $10,000 would make for small organizations,” said Davis. “How fortunate would this community be, based on the generosity of 100 People Who Care PEC members. We would ask that people invite their friends to join also because as membership grows, so does the support.”
The first meeting is to be held in October. To help get there, Davis and Byers are being assisted by Judy Fraser, David Fox and Mary Stever, to take on volunteer duties involved in getting the word out.
“We would be making a positive and immediate difference in the community,” said Davis, noting 100 per cent of the donations go directly to the charity, which then must issue receipts to the donors that can be used for income tax purposes.
A winner would not be eligible to be nominated for one year. Runners up names may be put back into the hat for the next meeting.
“The impact of receiving $10,000 is enormous for the charity, and gratifying to the people who made it happen,” said Byers. “For many of the charities here, that is the biggest amount they will ever get all at once.”
The organization exists around the world in various forms, but there is no parent organization. It is believed to have started in the United States.
People interested in more information about 100 People Who Care PEC should call Mark Davis at 613 922-7722; email or visit the group on Facebook at: (The website is under construction).
Filed Under: cheers • Featured Articles • Local News
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