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I won’t be part of the Ostrander Point travesty

[Following is an email to Michael J. Lord of Gilead Power Corporation, regarding their attempt to establish a community liaison committee for the recently approved Ostrander Point wind project, located on Crown Land in Prince Edward County’s South Shore Important Bird Area.]

Date: 2013-02-27
From: Gary Mooney
Subject: Invitation to join the Ostrander Point CLC

Good morning, Mike.  I have received Gilead Power’s invitation to apply to join the Ostrander Point Community Liaison Committee, required as a condition of approval of your wind project by the Ministry of the Environment.

While I meet most of the selection criteria, I won’t be applying.  Some reasons:

With meetings scheduled for only 1 to 2 hours’ duration, at six month intervals, and for only two years, I don’t see this committee as having much opportunity to resolve neighbour and community issues.
It will be easy / convenient for Gilead to divert people with serious concerns / complaints to the committee, and thereby avoid dealing with them directly and on a timely basis.
Individual members of the committee will have little chance of ensuring that significant neighbour / community issues are resolved.
I don’t think that it is appropriate for individual members to be responsible for communicating back to the community; this is Gilead’s responsibility.

But most importantly, I cannot associate myself in any way with a wind project that is located in the middle of an Important Bird Area, on a major bird and bat migration route and that will “kill, harm and harass” species at risk and “damage and destroy” their habitat.

Gary Mooney

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. Marie says:

    It’s a sham pretty much like everything else involving industrial wind turbines in Ontario

  2. Doris Lane says:

    Who would want to be on a committee that Gilead had anything to do with
    Chris Keen had a link today that explains how the excess wind energy is going to cost the taxpayer a lot of money
    WHY are they continuing to put up IWT’s when we do not need the energy. All the Green energy act is doing is costing the taxpayer a lot of money

  3. Gary Mooney says:

    In my email, I neglected to point out that CCSAGE, APPEC, SSC, PECFN and many individuals have provided huge amounts of input to Gilead, and almost all of it has been ignored. Any involvement with them is a waste of time.

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