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Jeff Goddard wants to be PEC’s new mayor

Jeff-Goddard-for-mayorLong-time County resident Jeff Goddard has declared his intention to become mayor when the ballots roll out this October.

Goddard, 55, filed his nomination papers at Shire Hall on Tuesday. He joins councillor Robert Quaiff, who declared his intention earlier this month. Current mayor Peter Mertens has announced he will not seek re-election.

Goddard, a financial advisor, says friends have been encouraging him to seek the position for several years and now he has time to get more involved.

“Now, the timing is good,” said Goddard. “As of last September my wife Cathy and I have become empty-nesters. Our sons Henry and George are away at university.”

Goddard grew up in Sophiasburgh, spent 10 years in Toronto, and returned home 26 years ago. He has been a member of the Picton Rotary Club for more than a decade and was a director with Prince Edward County Minor Baseball .

“I love Prince Edward County. The geography is amazing. The history is fascinating. The current mix of people is great – newer and long-term residents.

“Mostly the future looks very bright economically,” he notes, “But we need to keep focused. I understand the mayor only has one vote on council.”

Though he has not served as a councillor he believes he can make a difference as mayor and looks forward to lobbying other levels of government to seek improvements for PEC.

While he is still preparing a platform, he says a priority will be Picton’s hospital.

“Can you think of anything more important to a community than a hospital? We need to keep it strong as possible,” he said. “I plan to consult with some friends and clients who are physicians to gain a better perspective on what needs and can be done.We need more control locally. It’s much easier said than done.”

And although Goddard is in support of green initiatives where they are a good fit, he said he doesn’t yet want to take a stand on wind turbines in the County until he is “more familiar with what is going on at this point.”

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  1. Mark says:

    No, life in the County isn’t all about Picton! But we need a commercial hub and Picton happens to be it. Unfortunately legislation dictates that only Picton ratepayers pay for such services as a 30 million s..t plant. Not sustainable and unaffordable with the few users. Picton has not grown for 40 years and without planning will continue to decline.

  2. sanmc says:

    “Too many people driving around in pick-up truck.”

    … this statement is not exclusive to the fruit of the loom. Any country town, or suburban area in Canada has many trucks – a vehicle of choice for business. The county is no different. Are you from the big city? or have you never owned a pick-up truck?

    After cars; vans and light trucks are about equal in numbers according to Transport Canada. Then SUV’s follow. Pick-up trucks are everywhere; both, males and females buy them.

    Now if you said old, rusty, straw bale hauling county trucks in Picton that would be a different story – they’re in town getting gassed up, doing business all season.

    “Save this town, vote for people new to Picton..”
    Life in the county is NOT always about Picton! But I do agree, Picton representation in council needs some new blood. You get to elect 2. If you want it, work for change.

    2014, the administration and the politics will be the same. I expect, some faces around the horseshoe will change.

  3. Sam says:

    R. says…

    “Save this town, vote for people new to Picton..”

    Our current mayor is new to Picton.

    “Too many people driving around in pick-up truck.”

    Picton is a small town in the middle of a farming community. Why are you surprised to see people driving pickup trucks?

  4. Mark says:

    I can’t argue with the condition of streets and general disrepair. Downtown requires a beautification project. But of course there are no dollars. With the increasing cost of gas, water and wastewater, hydro, insurance and food it leaves little for the taxpayer to cough up.

  5. R. says:

    Picton ,On.looks like a town going out of business!!!!
    most streets do not have reasonable asphalt surfaces, sidewalks are uneven, very little curb, buildings abandoned falling down, no collection of yard waste, Poor planning(if any)over many years, Main street traffic is a joke, Almost no Christmas decorations 2013, neglect of landscape, Too many people driving around in pick-up truck.In other words poor marks for all past mayors and council over the years. Save this town, vote for people
    new to Picton..

  6. Janet says:

    It is unfortunate that this conversation is only on Mr. Goodard’s article. I hope all candidates keep up on what is being said. Keep up on what “County folk” are saying. Not all of us are only worried about publicizing the wine!

  7. sanmc says:

    We must remember, this is a vineyard county.

    We are in the wine business in every aspect. Wine brings wine tasting and lots of it. The new logo is promoting vineyards not sailing and sandbanks that are known as the world’s largest fresh water sand dunes. See the red wine tasting barn.

    All of this wine relates to abundant drinking and driving, charges of impaired in many, many situations (look at the stats published), speeding, compulsory alcohol education, remote breath analyzer car-starters, etc. also revenue. The gov’t formula will reflect this need for more police.

    My thoughts.

  8. Gary says:

    I do not believe we require the number of officers we presently have. I do not believe we require all those big SUV’s. I do not believe we require the police administrative palace that was built on prime agricultural land. I do not believe we require police that are overly assertive and most unfriendly with the general public.

  9. JC says:

    I believe, and so does most of the population of the county that there is an over population of OPP in Prince Edward. If there is a calculation that produces the number of officers that we should have, I think that should be presented to the residents of the county. I’m just wondering who actually runs this county, does the Council run the county or does the OPP run the county? There should be more control over the OPP that are in our County, why can’t we reduce the number of officers? A company would not hesitate to reduce the number of employees in their work environment if there was too many employees for production. We probably have sufficient numbers of officers for this summer tourist time which is from May to August…….. that is only four months, what about the other eight months? I guess the other eight months, the county residents take the burden of the overpopulation of police officers……… in the next upcoming election this should be a main point for everyone who is running for Councilman or Mayor……. who runs the county?

  10. baysider says:

    Some of those officers were on paid duty from hockey funds so don’t get too wound up

  11. Gary says:

    You are right. Loss of local municipal control. The OPP will decide we need 50 officers in a relatively minor crime rural area. And as the Commander has said nice policing is gone. 7 OPP vehicles and countless officers enjoying the Pirates game last night! Now that isn’t over kill. And why do we need so many gas guzzling big SUV’s?

  12. Gary Mooney says:

    Re the OPP, there’s a provincial formula that determines how many officers a municipality MUST have, and another provincial formula to determine the cost per officer. The latter formula is currently being revised, with the result that the County will pay much more in total. The municipality has no control over any of this.

    Re water and wastewater treatment, it’s now a matter of paying off the debt over 30 years. There’s no way of reducing the current rates, and they’ll likely go up some more.

    Then there’s the rapidly increasing cost of electricity and the recent substantial increase in the cost of natural gas.

    What we have here is a cost-spiral crisis in the cost of basic residential utilities / services — water, sewer, electricity, gas, policing.

  13. Gary says:

    The Mayor’s vote doesn’t break any ties under our setup. He or she is the 16th vote. That vote can only create a tie.

  14. MI says:

    Coming from many generations that have worked, served, and loved this County, I am outraged that a service provider (OPP) that we pay for, would be so arrogant with such statements.
    “[Sgt. Freeburn . . . he also added that the days of ‘Officer Friendly’ are over. The world has changed. “Policing has moved on,” said Sgt. Freeburn.
    PEC is a long ways from being like Toronto or Montreal. Perhaps if more OPP lived in the County and wanted to be part of our community, they would see that a friendly approach would be much more acceptable to the 99% of us who are not criminals.
    Think it over council, think it over OPP. We cannot afford more policing, we will not tolerate being abused.
    Goddard and Quaiff take notice.

  15. IM Messenger says:


    I see your point of view, however the police services would also be cut in half.

    That won’t happen in a 1000 years of passivism. The financial arrangements come from the higher governments. Police rule will be the rule, as people set up to protest their rights. Look at the recent past actions of police in Canada. They don’t ask questions, they haul away protestors and bystanders. The Gov’t needs more police to do this – a task force. Even the county police are giving us a heads up on their future behaviour as quoted:

    QUOTE: Times, Mar. 14, 2014 “Safe Community” (no more Officer friendly):

    [Sgt. Freeburn . . . he also added that the days of ‘Officer Friendly’ are over. The world has changed. “Policing has moved on,” said Sgt. Freeburn. “The times I’ve almost lost my life, was by people I knew. We’ve changed the way we do business.” Also: Freeburn expects that a revision to the funding formula will see an increase in the number of officers the municipality will have to pay.]

    . . . so on goes the budget debate in which nothing can be done about it. Sure it keeps the county in debt and taxes rising to look like they’re getting a grip, but it only increases the number of ppl who can’t pay, keeps the debt with less services and ppl have to chip in for hall renovations, playgrounds, theatres, etc..

    Perhaps this new motto for mayor: “try and have no debt or simply – NO debt.”

    They can’t even run a “new home lottery” like Princess Margaret Hospital Lottery to raise millions. But in the county’s case a new lake front cottage lottery. Now I’d cruise the park lands and ditches for beer cans to buy that ticket.

    the person to help the mayor with Rules of Order … well that is not working in the circle of the zoo. Besides the mayor needs that personal authority in his position as leader. The councilors speak for the issues of the people. The mayor will break the tie, but little else but keep parliamentary order therein.

  16. Loretta says:

    Three points I see here and I agree with is we need new blood in council; the mayor needs to be someone who can control meetings; and the mayor should be very familiar with all sides of important County issues. Experience helps, but didn’t council hire someone to assist a previous mayor who was not well versed in protocol and hasn’t that job become permanent?

    We need to get rid of stupid spending… like getting a Kingston media group to tell us our brand is ‘the County’. Really? I’ve known that since before I moved here 22 years ago. And stupid planning decisions, like the one where the population has barely risen for the past 12 years, yet is forecast to grow almost 38% by 2032? (I kid you not, from Appendix A of the Community Development Strategic Plan, Nov. 2013 and that number came from Council, not the consultants who wrote the report!) If they are using pie-in-the-sky numbers like these for population growth, no wonder spending went out of control. With the threat of IWTs affecting real estate values, an aging population and the gutting of our hospital, population growth is a lot more likely to shrink by 2032.

    What I really want to see in a mayor and councillors are smart people who will think for themselves and who will consult with their constituents on contentious issues, instead of flip-flopping after the next issue of the Times or Gazette comes out. It seems an awful lot of decisions are sent to ‘staff’ for recommendations. I have often wondered if that was because most are too lazy to do the prep work themselves or because they don’t want the responsibility? I am sure there are occasions to warrant it, but it seems to happen far too frequently, especially if the subject is the least bit controversial.

    I know it is hard to ask, but I would really like the next council to downsize. I know it will mean that they may be putting themselves out of a job, but if they are worthy, they will get to keep their jobs by getting our votes in the next election.

    My biggest wish is that everyone who can, actually votes in the next election, because you get what you ask for in this life. If you don’t vote, you shouldn’t get to complain about the results.

  17. IM Messenger says:

    You must agree: we do need a “____cane” of some kind, a handmade, county-carved-Juniper-like type or buckthorn with its thorny exterior.

    Quote (wiki):
    In 2009 McCallion was the focus of public opinion when it was alleged that she failed to disclose a conflict of interest when attending meetings that concerned her son’s company, World Class Developments Ltd.

    On October 3, 2011, Judge Douglas Cunningham found McCallion “acted in a ‘real and apparent conflict of interest’ while pushing hard for a real estate deal that could have put millions of dollars in her son’s pocket.” She was cleared of all charges June 14, 2013.

    Did she squeak cleaner than a crack pipe in the chambers? . . . She will now step down as her term ends.

  18. Gary says:

    Didn’t Hazel recently get caught up in a dirty land deal that her relative was in on? Lol. We don’t need a Hazel.

    As for police, we have little say in the budget as the Province once again dictates. Yes we have way too many officers for the need. There should be continued talks in regards to a Regional police force.

  19. IM Messenger says:

    geesh Argyle your QUOTE:

    “Does everyone who wants to be mayor in this county have to be over 65 and retired ? And lets hope that we get some new faces on council, people who will leave their personal agenda’s out of the process .”

    Are there senior candidates waiting in the wings to sign up for mayor? Seems Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion was 57 when she was elected as mayor. Now aged 93 served 35 yrs. Do NOT discount seniors. Quote (wikipedia):

    “She is affectionately called “Hurricane Hazel” by supporters and the media at large, for her vibrant, outspoken style of no-nonsense politics. ”

    This is what it will take. Anything else in my opinion IS a personal agenda *personal agenda underlined*. I could debate this aspect in regards to some past mayors.

    Another question: What is your personal agenda?
    I expect no answer, actions will speak louder than words. I might get thrown out of the building. The messenger has left the building.

    New OR old faces on council but for the right reason, right intention, yeah right agenda. As they all come with agenda, personal as well (a little more cash for showing up at meetings, a buddy gets to sell some real estate, extra paid expenses, a hero button?) Soon after election they will surely be tested on agenda, in the arena of Shire Hall. Male, female or otherwise. You can count on it.

    I’ve set my order for a new mayor as posted below. I can’t say much more except, perhaps Hazel’s twin, or her younger sister for the job. Why can’t we have a freakin’ hurricane or a himicane in our midst as mayor?

  20. JC says:


  21. Eric Z says:

    Jeff says he wants to get facts from both sides of the fence regarding wind power. Information is power. If he just wants to attract votes maybe he should line up on the pro wind side. Do the math: Add the number of supporters to the number of don’t cares = majority. And I am not taking sides. I have known Jeff for a long time and I cannot come up with anyone who is more supportive of The County. More positive in their position to promote. This is a man that never fails to tell everyone he meets where he is from and why it’s god’s little half-acre¨(my word’s not his). Do yourself a favour and vote for this guy.

  22. Marnie says:

    Agreed, Argyle. Candidates should not be pre-judged. Let the all-candidates’ meetings serve as the best way to predict the best person for the mayor’s job. No matter how well-educated a candidate may be or how much experience he or she has had, without common sense they will not prove to be much of an asset to council. A lot of the complaints seen about council on this site relate to lack of a common sense approach on the issues.

  23. Argyle says:

    Does everyone who wants to be mayor in this county have to be over 65 and retired ? And lets hope that we get some new faces on council, people who will leave their personal agenda’s out of the process .

  24. Gary says:

    Sam; I totally agree with all the issues you raised. I am not out to slay Mr. Goddard by any means. My point was that if you feel confident enough to run for Mayor you shouldn’t at this stage need to “familiarize” yourself with the issues in regards to Industrial Wind Turbines. I didn’t say where he needed to stand rather you should be informed and have a position.

  25. PJM says:

    I know Mr. Goddard and I think he will bring good old common sense to council and all the issues. He may have to toughen his skin for all the nay-saying, negative, know it alls that seem to sit at their computers and lob bombs at those trying to make a difference. I agree that it takes courage and moral strength to contest the job for Mayor and altimately sit in the chair. Best of luck Mr. Goddard you have my vote!!

  26. Sam says:

    So, everybody who is opposed to wind turbines are going to vote for whichever candidate is opposed to wind turbines. Hmmm, is that the wisest plan? I know that wind turbines are a big deal for some people, but there is more than just one issue that council and the mayor have to deal with in municipal government. Besides that, our outgoing mayor and some of our current councillors are already opposed to wind turbines. Has that done you any good in the last 4 years? Sure, they gave some tax money to the PECFN and declared that PEC was ‘not a willing host’, but what impact did that have? However, if you are set on electing representatives based upon their position on an issue that they cannot do anything about then that could be fun to watch. Personally, I am more concerned with when we are going to get some potholes filled and how we are going to pay for our water and waste water infrastructure and the rising costs of policing and where the fire stations are going to located and why all the bees are dying. (That last one may be outside of council’s control as well.)

  27. Snowman says:

    @ Gary. We get the point .You don’t think Mr. Goddard is a suitable candidate for Mayor.You should call him up.You might just change your mind.

  28. Gary says:

    A candidate that is running for Mayor should have a platform and at least know where they stand on key issues such as Turbines. The job is not an apprenticeship where you learn as you go. At this stage if you have to familiarize yourself with the WIND debate you are not prepared for the leaders chair. Councilor perhaps. Most folks with no Council experience running for Mayor come with a vast reference of knowledge and understanding of issues.

  29. IM Messenger says:

    I, also plan to attend the debates.

    How about this one:
    Did you always do what you were told?

  30. Wolf Braun says:

    When the candidate debates begin I plan on attending. 🙂

    I plan to ask each candidate to give me 2-3 examples where they displayed good judgment.

    I also plan to ask them to give me at least one example where they did not display good judgement. 🙂

    It’s my belief that our elected officials need to have good judgment as well as time, interest, capacity and the ability to see the bigger picture that reflects the public interest… rather than their own interests.

  31. Marnie says:

    There is much sound and fury regarding the need for ‘new blood’ on council. Look what just happened to the poor candidate that is trying to transfuse it. Give Mr. Goddard a chance. He was willing to put his hat in the ring which is more than can be said for some who complain the loudest about council. So he believes in go big or go home – he is not the first candidate with no municipal experience to run for mayor.

  32. IM Messenger says:

    Mr. Goddard deserves and is entitled to respect and a fair chance to elicit our votes without bias. To have the time to educate himself. Perhaps he’s a fast learner. Save your bad mouthing for questions directed at the candidate where they can defend themselves. In this venue it’s pointless to learn anymore about him to or to make a flippant decision.

    For me, the three major issues for any person running for mayor or council are:

    1 – a full working knowledge of “Roberts RULES of ORDER” book of parliamentary procedures for deliberative assembly.

    (The “County’s Rules of Order” needs a “Code of Conduct” attached to keep the monkeys in order after the zoo keeper starts the meetings. And the audience members have to stand up and call “point of order” to align the Mayor or Chairperson with their duty in an effort to regain appropriate manner of behavior. Save the bullying, manipulating and over-riding of the mayor. Pretty disgraceful to attend a serious meeting when there’s no respect. You truly have no trust left in the PEC system of governing that’s in place.

    “You teach people how to treat you!” True in the case of mayors of PEC. Quote: a wily bunch of Councillors. (meaning hard to control).

    2 – the freakin’ COURAGE to apply the parliamentary rules to meetings. Yes I say, “freakin'” cause it’s going to take some kind of weird, eccentric, freaky-mode kind of personality with off the wall courage to withstand the old dominant patriarchal politics that’s been going on in the county for decades. Also, to stand up for PEC when dealing with other Gov’t partners.

    3 – be KNOWLEDGEABLE on issues in every ward. Care about the issues or at least act like it.

    Let the education begin!
    I/We want to know from each candidate how many years and on what occasions they have chaired meetings, and the general nature of those meetings ie rotary club, civil service.

    Education: start with Industrial Wind Turbines and their effects on county commerce, schools, home & business construction, real estate, neighborhood adult & neighborhood child relationships, pocket books, roads, water, wildlife, and health (which comes right back to hospitals).

    Robert Quaiff made a difference not only in his flip flop on #of councilors, but in action to join with other municipalities on the “not-a-willing host” issue. One has to respect that initiative to get PEC’s voice recorded. Was it enough? He did have his eyes set on mayor’s seat at that time.

  33. Doris Lane says:

    We all know what is going on at the point. A few years back Sophiasburgh was nearly taken over by IWT’s until the DND stepped in and put a stop to it.
    One cannot live in this County and not be aware of Ostrander Point.
    As for the County being in good shape I have to differ with that.
    It costs Picton residents more for their water than it does for the heating of their homes and taxes go up every year–why because we hire too many consultants etc.

  34. baysider says:

    He has my vote. Anything is better than Flip flop Quaiff

  35. Diane says:

    UNBELIEVABLE!! Mr. Goddard should be ashamed of himself for having the nerve to run for Mayor while not being “more familiar with what is going on at this point” with wind turbines! But I appreciate his honesty and it has enabled me to absolutely and completely dismiss him as a potential candidate.

  36. Jan says:

    I hope he figures out what is going on with the turbines before election day!!

  37. Gary says:

    Hmmm! One would think that if you had the confidence to run for Mayor with no Council experience you would have a platform. And to not be familiar or have a stance on Industrial Wind Turbines at this stage of the game is dumbfounding. Where have you been for 5 years. As for a hospital, everyone supports that motherhood issue.

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