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Join Kramp’s Blue Walk Saturday

This Saturday, April 30th, Daryl Kramp and friends will be be dressed in blue T-shirts heading up North Front Street in Belleville to the Mall. Please come and join us! Meeting up at 10am at the Belleville campaign office across from Harvey’s.

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  1. Rob says:

    So rumour circulating that at the all candidates forum in Bloomfield Cons were directed to post Kramp signs on the school lawn before concerned voters arrived…and were directed to take them back down? If true ( and we have it on Very good authority ) shame shame SHAME ..if true. The Con incumbent should Know Better to obey the rules…as should His Party Leader.

    We all know Stephen Joseph Harper knows them ( democratic rules) -but continually disobeys them – Hence a Contempt ruling by Canadians bringing on this election storm!

    ” Harper asks Liberal voters to stop NDP ”

    – NOT ON YOUR LIFE Not on your Anti-Canadian Lives!!! Peter Tinsley please RESTORE us to INTEGRITY on May 2nd.

    Vote Peter Tinsley to STOP THIS MADNESS

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