Jumping in ‘Feet First’ to enjoy International Museums Day
Administrator | May 18, 2014 | Comments 0
Libby Hudson, Morgan Dayton and Lola Hudson enjoyed their visit to the Macaulay Heritage Park Museum on opening day, Sunday, to see the Feet First – Footwear collection. The show runs throughout the summer and features an assortment of footwear from the museums’ collections and a special look at the Bata Shoe Factory in Picton.
Meanwhile, at Macaulay House next door, the volunteers dressed in period costume were escorting guests through the home. Jackie Campbell, a volunteer for the past 15 years, was in the kitchen cooking a chicken stew using vegetables from the root garden and starting up the oven to prepare bread and cookies.
A pig roast will be held at Macaulay House, 35 Church St., Picton on Saturday, May 24 at 6 p.m. with musical entertainment and fun. $20 per person. Reservations required. Call Jennifer Lyons, head curator at 613 476 3833. Click here for a rundown of County’s museum events coming up.
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